Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Falling Sick and Friends
Well that's why you have friends for. My friend Vivek took a leave from office and came over to take care of me. Even got prescription from his dad saving me the trouble of going to the doctor and then was there near me if I need anything. Another friend Abhijeet came over made kichdi and kept company with me till Vivek came. He managed to in a way to brighten up a painful day. And finally there was my friend Ashutosh who came over after office with fruits and vegetables in the evening after work and cooked. At the same time he was telling me what to have in order to get all the proteins, minerals, and vitamins that I needed to get over my weakness. and then not forgetting Hrishi who asked me if I wanted him to come over home after he checked his mails at work.
Well I know I would have been in a bad state if it weren't for friends. Well I guess that's why they say..."That's what Friends are for".
Friday, July 27, 2007
Fantasy Epics
Well as for the Chronicle of Narnia I guess what got me reading this book was the fact that though I hadn't watched the movie as yet and was curious to read a book by one of the contemporaries of Tolkien. Also the curiosity about the Christian allegory in the lion Aslan.
Well recently began to read Philip Pullman's Dark Material out of curiosity to learn about the movie that will star one of my favourite female actor Nicole Kidman. Currently finishing the Amber Spyglass and I must say I've not been disappointed.
That brings us to J. K. Rowling and her boy wizard Harry Potter. I must admit that I started reading the series from the third book, The Prisoner of Azakaban, after borrowing the book from friend's sister. But then got hooked on the series and have purchased each and every book and also movie CD anad DVD since then. Recently completed reading the final book. And should say she more than made up for the mediocre (according to me) Half Blood Prince. More action, better plot line, a whole lot of revelation. But in a way you can say no main characters from Harry's side (you know what I mean) dies. I guess she gave her fans what they wanted, and boy did she raked in the mullah in the bargain. However still to watch the current film.
Well from all these books that I've read if I would have to pick up a favourite I would definitely pick up the Lord of the Rings. There is something really great the way Tolkien created his character and in the process created a whole new world (Middle Earth), and the way he kept the reader engrossed through the three books. What's more astonishing is the creation a whole new language in Elven , for the book. Next I would say Philip Pullman's Dark Material. As the name suggested the topic in a way is pretty dark. On first reading the Northern Lights I realised that the book had an anti-church theme to it, and this flowed through the remaining books, that is the Subtle Knife and the Amber Spyglass. But then you got read the book for its content and the literature and not putting your faith in between. If going by all the controversies the Da Vin Code raised I wonder what it would be when the Dark Materials are adapted to movies. Well next is the obvious Harry Potter. For almost seven years I've read about Harry and his friends Ron and Hermoine and their battle with the dark lord Lord Voldemort. The books were definitely interesting, though I felt for two books that Rowling may have lost her charm, but then she redeemed herself with the last book. Well finally comes the C. S. Lewis' chronicle of Narnia. It's not like that I didn't like the look. May major bone of contention is that not all the books are interesting and on the whole the book is not as interesting as the above mentioned ones. Found the book a bit childish. But on the whole not a bad book.
Well these are sorely my views of the books and is not applicable to anyone who reads any of these epics. I know in future the list is definitely going to expand to newer books.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
But there are things that really perplexes you. Being one of the fastest growing city in the country (not sure in the world), and having some of the well known IT firms and elearning company, the city's infrastructure is pretty bad. In Mumbai it's better to use public mode of transportation like the trains and buses if you don't want to get caught up in traffic jams and get to place on time. But in Pune that's absent. There are buses but they seem so ancient, even more ancient than the state transportation buses. It's pretty scary to travel in any of them. And more over you can't exactly read the bus number or where the bus is going, the destination is written in Marathi so it's going to take time for someone like me who is not proficient in the language to read it (I pity the ones that don't know the language). Moreover the roads are not very good here and not properly lit. So at night I wonder whether if I should concentrate at looking below at the road to avoid stepping into ditches and muck, or should I look out for the on coming traffic. It's not like Mumbai road's are any better. I think they have the most number and biggest potholes in the world. But moreover people in Pune seem to lack traffic sense. They don't honk their horn to ask you to get out of the way. And if they need to take a turn at the signal, instead of being in the lane nearest to the turn, they expect to turn from middle of the road. Moreover there are instances of people driving on the other side of the divider. So you need to lookout for them when you are crossing, especially when you are crossing the road.
I guess any Puneite reading this would surely argue with me that I am only looking at the bad points. Hmmmm, there are loads of things I know I can appreciate about this city. The most important thing being is that the cost of living (as I've been told, though not fully experienced) is pretty low as compared to Mumbai. Though people may complain about the pollution level in Pune I don't think it's as high as that in Mumbai. They would need to come to
Well this weekend is going be the first weekend that I am not going anywhere out of Pune. So surely going to take the time to familiarise myself with the city, or at least the area where I stay. Who knows over time my view of the city would change, for the better or the worst.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Books that I've Been Reading
Well been reading three interesting and un-put-downable books. Firstly been reading Philip Pullman's Dark Material Trilogy, right now on the Amber Spyglass. The books interesting as I've been following the Lyra and Will through the previous books (Northern Light/Golden Compass and Subtle Knife). Had to put the book on hold as couldn't resist starting the 7th final installment of J.K. Rowling's famous boy wizard, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and can't seem to put the book (or close the window in case of the eBook). Worth the wait, the hype, and the hoopla that surrounded it. Well finally been reading the Systematic Design of Instruction by Walter Dick, Lou Carey, and James O. Carey. Initially couldn't get myself to read it. but somehow today the book seems pretty knowledgeable and fascinating. And this coming from a person who would normally avoid such books...so this quite interesting.
Three very different books. Two fiction and one knowledge based. But all very interesting and helpful (whether to pass time or improve your working knowledge).