Yesterday a band called Lambada Live was playing. They managed to get a huge crowd to witness their performance. The Singers belted out Pink Floyd and Deep Purple with the same ease as they were belting out the latest Hindi songs. Whipping a frenzy among the songs. Obviously the Beedi Jaliyle and Sajnaa je Vaari and the Punjabi pop songs got the crowd on their
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Walking Plaza
Yesterday a band called Lambada Live was playing. They managed to get a huge crowd to witness their performance. The Singers belted out Pink Floyd and Deep Purple with the same ease as they were belting out the latest Hindi songs. Whipping a frenzy among the songs. Obviously the Beedi Jaliyle and Sajnaa je Vaari and the Punjabi pop songs got the crowd on their
The Aptara Carinval 2008
This could have been a bit of an embarassing because not all were keen to do it on a Friday. The date of the performance went back and forth but finally it was done with. But one thing we sang and danced like we never cared if we were good or bad. Just had a blast.
It was fun seeing the expression on the face of the guys entering the men loo (that's where we guys were dressing up). I thought we would feel embarassed being dressed with all the frills and all. But the surprise on the guyts face was worth laughing. This was anyway supposed to be a surpise for the office.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
What's Love got to do with it...
Well love is a many spelendid thing, love lifts us up where we belong, or so sang Ewan Mcgregor to Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. But do we need love to do that. There maybe other splendid things that could lift us. The Beatles sang "all you need is love", but is love truely all you need??
One thing I can say thought you need air, food and water, you also need love. Love is important part, a necessity of life. We need to love and be loved throughout our lives otherwise our lives are incomeplete.
Yes love may make us do crazy things. You may travel between cities, time zones countries and continent just to be with your loved one, so they don't feel lonely. Though you wish the time spent with them would be an eternity, it is actually the time spent away from them that seems like eternity. You notice every litle detail about them. What they wore, how there smelt, what they like saying or doing the most, what they say or how they talk or behave. You'll go out of your way to make them happy (which in a way I don't think is right) but you want to see a smile on their face. You want to be there to wipe away the tears. Be there as a support during trying times.
Loves make you do crazy things. you don't care if you a making out with your loved one in a public place or ina public mode of transport. All you care is that you have the one you love with you. Not only would just stealing a kiss, but a full embrace, a full kiss. You don't give a damn if someone is noticing what you doing. You care about your lover alot and want to make the best of every minute you have with them.
Love is not addiction, it's a way of life. It can help you climb mountains or push your down into trenches. you can look around and you'll see love in your very homes and neighbouhood.
Loves got everything to do with it :)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Whose Mumbai is it???
A friend of mine was trying to justify the Sainiks action as a way of protesting. The Sainiks complain that because of these people the crime rate is going up, but are they justified in damaging property that does not belong them? Isn't it a crime to cause a harm to one's life and property? The last time I remember the fundamental right for a citizen to live anywhere within the country still existed. Then who are we to deny someone this right?
My friend complained that there not many Marathis speaking people in Mumbai. But who is to be blamed for this. Do we blame the Biharis and North Indians for this? Should we blame Western Culture (the Shiv Sena favourite whipping horse) for diluting the Maratha cutlure???
I know that Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city opened to everyone from whichever state, race, nationality. And doesn't belong to one particular culture.
Mumbai, as Suketu Mehta puts it in his book Maximum City, belongs to the Vada Pav eaters :)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Many time in life we come across lines, saying, dialogues, that are really meaningful or sums what we feel on a particular points. This could be as simple as a verse from the Bible or Gita or the Quran. Or it could be a dialogue from your favourite movie.
The folowing dialogue from the movie Shall We Dance sums up a lot of thing what I mean for my life partner. Something thatreflects what it means to be married and care for each other.
We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."