Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life in Dallas: Getting Over the Jetlag

Life here in Dallas though not completely different from that what we are used to India. It's definitely not a culture shock for me as stated by my neighbour on my flight to Amsterdam. There are considerable difference in the way the city looks. The city definitely considerably more cleaner and in away beautiful in a way than what we are used to India. Beauty on the Indian road can only be enjoyed on the outskirts and not within the city.

One thing that is amazing is seeing the types of cars on the road. There are so many SUVs on the road (as remarked by Ganesh) and I've seen a Hummer so often more than I've ever seen in Mumbai (never seen it in Pune though). The room where we work overlooks the parking lot of the office and boy what a sight it is!!! It is a joy to see the different makes, the Pontiacs, the Porsche, the Fords, the Mercs, the Hondas, the Hyundias, the Volkwagons, and the list goes on and on.

The weather here is pretty windy and cold, but hey lived in Pune for the past year so almost used to the chill :) The only thing that kind of getting to me the lack of sleep. Both Ganesh and I end up getting only around three to four hours of sleep. Both of us get up around four in the morning and then we are constantly on the phone talking to parents and loves. I should be thanking to strong coffee that's been keeping me up at work.

Some of the pleasures are seem the current episodes of shows I enjoy (or the one my sis loves) and shows that I've heard about but haven't seen. Another pleasure is having a bathtub in our suite, it was quite experience. Yup made a waffle for the first time for breakfast today :)

I do miss my family and love a lot, living here quite and experience, though I am looking forward to getting back to the life I'm used to. the trip is a nice way of shaking life up from it's mundane routine and putting a new spin on it. So far just a couple of days down let see what the future holds now :)

The Longest Day

We all go through 24 hours in a day. But what if you went through more than 24 hours in one single day???? That's what I've gone through while travelling to Dallas, Texas. Though we boarded the flight at around 1:00 in the morning and reached Dallas around 1:30 in the afternoon and we actually was travelling for more than 16 hours. We kept going back in time, whether we were in Amsterdam or in Dallas. So in the end we lived time again and again. And boy were we jet lagged when we got to our suite in Dallas. Obviously our bodies are used to Indian Standard time so getting used to this is difficult. More over the flight got a bit tiring at the end and sleepy...but it was pretty interesting and worth it while :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Easier Said Than Done

I will be going for my US visa yet again this Tuesday, the 21st of October. And this time around want to be prepared for it. I've prepared a list of possible questions and my possible replies. But when I discuss this with my colleagues and friends they say I am taking too much of tension and this would only add to my nervousness. I should go there with an attitude that I don't care if they give me a visa or not, and that me being there would only benefit their country. I should be confident and not be afraid of the interviewer. Should be able to think on feet.

All this is very easy to say but hard to do. Somehow I don't know why I can't be all these things. Somehow I know have let the whole thing get under my skin and let it play in my head and make me a kind of lunatic.

But somehow I know I am more confident this time around and know I will do well and not let the interviewer put me. So now let see what happen on the 21st :)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Rejection and then the Dejections

Recently I had to appear for an interview for my visa for the US. Unfortunately due to some stupidly answered questions and a terrible interviewer (at least I can call him that on my blog) I got my application REJECTED. What followed was a fall into the pits of depressions and unending sulking.

A dear friend tried to cheer me up by being at my side the entire day, even trying to irritate me to distract my mind. But somehow the rejection hasn't left my head. I wanted to be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand because I couldn't take it facing the world. I think I am being a bit over dramatical over here. But on the general wanted to avoid people and couldn't get myself to eat (I guess by then people kind of realised something was wrong as I don't refuse not to eat).

I've kept telling myself what a whole bunching of well wisher have been telling me that things happens and happens for the best. Take this whole thing as an experience, accept the good and the bad parts, take it with a pinch of salt, and the whole damn thing. But I guess they must be glad they weren't in my really uncomfortable shoes (boy how the hurt).

It's not easy to climb back from the pits of depressions. Even the three pairs of Mynas that have seen today doesn't seem to be helping :(

Anyway that's life with all its ups and downs and then further downs. We need to accept it and move forward. Accept the moving forward is not an easy task especially when things refuse to vacate the spaces in your mind.

Let see what the future holds and just hope for the best.

P.S. To all my dear sweethearts THANK YOU for all you have done to get me out of things. And to that one Sp person THANK YOU...what would I be with you :)