The 26th of June was a landmark day, at least in American history, when the Supreme Court of America legalised Same-Sex unions across all states. And soon the whole World Wide Web turned into hues of the rainbow in celebration of this landmark decision. People change their dps, knowingly or unknowingly, to support this decision.
But as there were joyous raptures, the Web also got flooded with hate and disapproval. People quoting scriptures and various other statements to show their disapproval.
No one, whether straight or gay, chooses the person they truly fall in love with. This something that just happens, something that's part of nature. Then what is unnatural about it. Love is something that happens no matter who you are. Love is not a children's game where one day you decide you will be boyfriend and girlfriend from now on.
Homosexuality is not the latest fad and in no way threatens anyone's straightness. All they ask is the right to love the person they truly love, the one they want to be with for the rest of their life with, just like a straight couples. All they want is to be treated with equality and with dignity and not be discriminated and persecuted. They want to be seen as humans and be comfortable in their own skin, who they are.
Homosexuality is not a mental sickness. A gay person suffers from no mental ailment that needs to be treated. A gay person is a normal person like anyone else.
It is not Homosexuality that threatens the sanctity of marriage. It is divorce and separation that does that. Marriage is threatened by people nor respecting the sanctity of the institution and not fully grasping the importance of the sacrament. This is the main danger to marriage and not the gender of the person you marry.
It is time we grow and move on and move towards a society that is more tolerant and accepting and inclusive. We don't discrimate on the basis of one's orientation and all live in harmony and respect, as equals. We need to change with time.
God is Love, and the one who lives in Love, live with God and God lives with him, no matter who they love.