Lava is a sweet animated short film from Pixar Animation studio that tells a sweet story of a volcano that overlooks his beautiful bay and all the beautiful flora and fauna. Seeing the creatures and their mates he too long for companionship.
What's beautiful is that the story is told through a beautiful song, played on a ukele. The movie takes you through a gamut of emotions, right from awe at the beautiful site of the bay, to feeling where you sense the loneliness, to despair and sadness and finally ectasy. No wonder the movie plays before Inside Out.
The movie leave you with a big smile on your face, a lump on your throat and a stray teardrop in your eye. And yes the songs sticks in your head. And if you are someone like me, you would never ever want to let it go.
"I have a dream, I wish it will come true, that you'll grow old with me and I'll grow old with you. I thank the oceans and the skies up above-a for giving someone to lava... cause I Lava you...." :)