Running is not my life but sure has become a part of it. For the past couple of years I had run just 10, 15 and 21 kms. The farthest I ran was a 25 km run. Yesterday was the first time I crossed the 30 km barrier. I did reasonably well for my first 32k and was even in third place for a good part of the run, until my legs tightened and the muscles began to spasm. I won't say I was disappointed. There was a good many things I can take away from the run. The first thing I so need to loose weight. Secondly, I need to go in with a good nutrition plan. And thirdly, I need to enjoy the run. I learnt yesterday that is always scope for learning and improving and growing. You feed on the challenge and soak in the cheering. I had so much of that yesterday. And that's what I am going to take away from yesterday's run.
But now it's time for me to get back to the drawing board if I want to complete my first full by the end of the year. That's going to be a challenge but it's a challenge I accept and going to complete.