Thursday, June 29, 2017

I-Rain-Ical People

We are a bunch of I-rain-ical people
We complain when it doesn't rain
We complain when it does 
Surely leaving the poor rains 
Oh so confused

We sing songs and hymns
Asking for rains
And when it does
We just want it to go away
To the plains of Spain 

When the temperature soars
We pray that it pours
Quenching the thirst
Of a parched earth
Then we receive respite
And it rains with all its might
We just can't wait for it to end

When it doesn't rain
We complain 
About the humidity and sweat
That end up making our clothes wet
And then it rains 
But we continue to complain 
About the downpour 
that soaked us to the bone

The summer heat
Leaves us smelly and wet
But when it pours 
And we are drenched head to toe
We liable to catch a cold 
From our wet clothes

Sometime we sing 
for showers of blessings
And sometimes we want
the Rain to go away
Never to show its face again 

I am definitely sure
That the poor rain Gods
Are totally confused 
Whether to rain down
Or leave the earth parched
Cause we can't make up our mind
If we want it to rain or not
Ending being totally I-rain-ical 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Life: an Introspection

Life is what we make it, 
what we choose it to be. 
Our decisions and choices 
govern the path we take. 
Our experiences help it take shape

It can be a bitch
Cause that's the way we make it
It can be lonely 
If we choose to live that way
It's all in the choices we make
There's always a way out
You just need to know where to look

The way you treat life
Life will treat you back 
The same way and in kind

Holding expectations from life 
Leads to disappointments 
Leaves us alone and lonely
So it's not that life is lonely
It is we who choose to live a lonely life
Life has so much to offer
So much love and happiness
Just keep an open mind
Hold no expectations 
Accept what comes your way

Life can be an adventure 
If you choose to go on it
A journey of self-discovery
Of pleasant surprises
A realisation of who you are
What you can be

There will always be obstacles
But then what's life without 
A little challenges
There will be ups 
And there will be downs
It's what shows us 
That we are alive and kicking
Life is anything but boring
Unless that's what you choose to be

Life will bring you love
Life will bring you happiness
But we can't always be happy all the time
We got to know some sadness
To truly appreciate happiness
To truly appreciate life
Experience it from all aspects

Life will show you love
Make you feel loved
Like you never felt it before
There will be moments of heartbreaks
But don't give up on it
Give yourself space
Give the one you love space 
Truly appreciating and respecting 
What you have for each other 
Cause life gives you trails
But it also gives you strength 
Cause when it meant to be
It is meant to be and 
Life will give you all the glue
That you ever need 
That no one can tear you apart

Life is yours
Life what you make it
Embrace it.. love it... respect it 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Normalcy: What's it to you

What is normalcy 
But a relative term
What's normal to me
May not be normal to you
Something someone else decided

In its true sense
Normalcy is being who you are
The way you were meant to be
Comfortable in your own skin
Your own shape and colour
Not letting the words of others
Bring you down
And not bringing others down
With your words

Living the life you choose
The way you were meant to live 
With whom you choose to live with
Living it the way you want
Loving whomever you love 
Letting not your preferences 
Determine the others view of you
Letting not the gender or the race
Or words determine
Whether your love is normal or not 

Who are we to say
What's normal or not
Who is normal or not
If we were to live up to the standards
What others set
Life will never be normal
In fact life is never normal

Normal is being you are
With all your abilities and disabilities
With your impediments 
Your shortcomings
Your preferences
Your choices
It's that what makes you normal

You are normal 
In every sense of the world
Take pride in it
And let no one bring you down 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kill 'em with Kindness

We live in a world
That's slowly falling apart
Descending into madness
Loosing all its sense of sanity
All its humanity

A world where anger and hatred
Operate unchecked 
Running around a mock
Leaving a trail of death and destruction 
Whatever they touch

A place where the rule of the jungle
Is widely accepted and followed
Leaving behind a generation 
That's physically maimed
And emotionally blind

Where their disciples worship them
On their high altars
Fanning the fires of their offerings 
Creating an atmosphere 
Of fear and intolerance 

Like the icy cold fingers
They threaten to throttle you
Suck the life out of your being
Threatening to tear your life apart
Turning your world upside down

But no matter what they do
No matter how hard they try
They will never tear us apart
They may break our bodies
But they can never defeat our spirit

We will never loose our sanity
Or descend into the madness
We will never stoop to their level
Cause we are way better than that
We are way stronger than that

We refuse to look back in anger
To strike back when struck at
But never mistake our tolerance 
As our weakness
Cause we are way stronger than you think

We don't need to strike a blow
Or play a psychological mind games
We don't need no weapons
To face the hatred in their hearts
We will kill em with kindness 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Th1rteen R3asons Why

Once in a way there comes a show that's heartbreakingly beautiful. On the face of it, 13 Reasons Why may seem like just another teen drama, but then it's much more than that. The premise of the show is heartbreakingly beautiful as well as tragic. You know the outcome from the outset but  what lead there is what it covers.

Very often we wonder what drives people to take drastic steps, often judging and scoffing at the person, never truly understanding the real reason why. This show gives your thirteen reasons why. Not a subject matter that would normally be dealt, often considered a taboo, something not meant to be discussed. 

The show covers bullying, rape, emotional and psychological scaring. Signs that one needs to lookout for and what could have been done to reach out to them.

Told from the point of view of the protagonist, who has left behind 13 audio tapes, chronicling the 13 Reasons that lead her to her taking lives. If a person receives them then they are part of the reason that lead to her death. 

Narrated by the deceased protagonist as her friend listens to the tapes left to him, trying to figure out what made her take  her own life and what role does he play. The narrative flits between the events of the past, the ones mentioned on the tapes and the repercussions it has on the lives in the present, of those impacted by the outcomes of the tapes.

At times it can be inconsistent and a tad unreal and made up, the strong performance by the cast, especially the two protagonists, lifts the show and keeps its real. Besides the show boast of  an awesome, often Indy soundtrack.

The show is a definite watch if you totally pakaofied of the standard run of the mill Hindi show. It will leave a you a bit shaken, but it will also make you think. A definite must watch.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Arrivals Gate

If you want to feel love try the Arrivals gate at any airport. Here there's no hate, just a longing and anticipation and excitement. A wait coming to an end. Eager families waiting excitedly to be reunited with their loved ones. Loved ones slowly pushing their trolley eagerly on the lookout for someone familiar in the crowd.

A place for tears, but not of sorrow. People excitedly waiting for that first glimpse, often craning their neck to get the best glimpse. People eagerly waiting to be introduced to their newest members, lovers rushing into a sweet embrace. 

There's greetings and respect. People bending over in respect to touch the he feet or just holding on tight. 

You have excited kids everywhere, looking ahead in wide-eyed astonishment and anticipation. Wives with teary eyes and lovers in eager anticipation knowing that the wait, their dry will soon come to end. Not bothering of the states all around, they will hold on tight and kiss. To hold your whole world in your arms.

People holding placards trying to get the attention of their guests, chatting other members and colleagues who are doing the same.

The Arrivals gate proves that love is indeed all around. This place where your religion does not matter, neither your gender, age or preference. You are all part of one big love fest.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Living with Consequences

We get what we deserve. What we sow is what we end up reaping. Karma can be a real bitch giving back to us as much we give.

Sometimes it can be a bitter pill to swallow, but what we do always has a way to come back and haunt us. Nothing remains a secret, nothing remains hidden for long. 

We end up hurting and being hurt. No matter what the intention may be, we are left tattered and torn, bare and strung out for all to see. No words, no deeds can serve as a balm to calm the pain.

What's done is done and things cannot be undone. Though we live grasping for hope, grasping at thin air, but what has been done is done and gone. Now it's our turn to live with the price we pay. 

Thinking what could we have done differently will not help now. It's the consequences which we need to live with. 

So no matter how much we may hurt, wail, break down, we need to pick ourselves and continue to live way we always do.

The High School Experience

Been binge watch 13 Reasons Why since morning, so I guess this write up has something to do with it, inspired by it.

Being sick means you have some good time to yourself, to ponder and reflect on the direction your life is taking. Watching 13 Reasons Why kind of made me rewind back to school days.

High school can be a real bitch sometimes. You want to conform to a set of made up rules, be seen with and as the cool kids at school. It's all a popularity contest. Anything unique and you'll be seen as an outcast. 

Kids can be real cruel. They'll make fun at your imperfections, call you names and tease and poke fun at you. They can be unforgiving and relentless. Sometimes you eventually let these things get to you. You just want to run away from this bullying and teasing. Don't want to run into them. 

Thus you start wearing a mask, putting up a front to shield yourself from the things they throw at you. You don't want them to see the real you. You want to be seen as cool and popular, thus loosing sight of yourself. In order to be accepted you become somebody. You know one slight mistake will not be forgotten. 

You try and hang out with the cool kids, or at least hang around with them, so that you can seem to fit in. Do the things they do, no matter how wrong it may seem. Your every actions and every decisions is influenced by your friends, what would they do, what do they do and why you can't do the same? This is not peer pressure but conforming to a set type often going along with pranks that may not seem right. Thus loosing your identity and uniqueness.

And this doesn't stop here. It continues to follow us in college and our career. We butt kiss, suck up, hang around, socialise, all in the name of climbing up the social and career ladder. Once again loosing ourself, keeping our true self hidden. We are sure that if they get to know an aspect of us, people will never understand, cause that aspect doesn't conform to set principles. 

We turn our backs on people who really care about us, genuine friends and lovers, who love us for who we truly are and not what we put up. We just ignore them or turn them away, because we don't want to accept ourselves, to be ourselves, and we have difficulty in accepting them cause we do not accept ourselves and our lives. Thus making our lives empty and superficial.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, is all about our need to be loved and accepted. To be admired by one and all. We put our lives out there for people to like, love and judge. For people to stalk and jerk off. It's our lives in the open. Again another way of trying to conform.

I am not too sure if things will ever change or if we could live our lives as who we truly are, open, proud and free. Not conforming to any standards and rules, not being bracketed in life. I really hope it comes soon.

P.S. 13 Reasons Why continues to show how bad our and backward Hindi shoes are.e

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Round and Round We Go: Experience of a Runnaholic

Going round and round in a circle is not my ideal race to run. That being said, last year witnessing the 12 hour team relay really made me want to participate, be a part of a team. It also left me feeling a bit sad that no team thought of asking me. Not that I am a bad runner, and I know I would be an asset to any team, so was kind of surprised at not being asked. But then what was done was done.

This year, I eagerly waited for some team to ask me. When the moment presented itself I eagerly jumped at the opportunity. Irrespective who asked, I knew I wanted to give it my best. But then due to a goof up and a really foolish situation, I was left with this annoyed and sad feeling.

A week to the run, and I resigned myself to the fact that once again I was relegated to the role of cheering. But a chance  call brought the hope back again and not wanting to miss the opportunity, I immediately agreed to it. 

So here I was, all set to run the last slot for my team. A little nervous, a little wary knowing that the temperature could get hot and humid during the slot, nevertheless excited. Didn't think I needed to prepare cause had run for two hours and above. Hence felt there was nothing to be worried.

The day arrived and I decided to reach the venue well in advance so that I could cheer my friends and at the same time avoid the railway mega block. The first thing i noted when I reached the stadium was that it was one humid cauldron. As I made my way to the stands to greet my friends and fellow runners I told myself I was prepared for this. 

So as the slot kept going and runners ran, felt the tinge of nervousness building. Admired the various running forms and runners and picking some valuable running tips. It rained for an entire slot bringing some respite, but then it stopped and the temperature returned to being humid. As it drew closer to 3 pm the nervousness was pretty palpable. I quickly changed into my running gear and started my stretching.

As we waited at the line up, met my good friend and running Diva. We decided to keep pace together as we did not want to push. We were then joined another really good runner who decided we all will pace together, at least for the first half. So when we started off the three of us joined together, running steadily down the track, passing photographers and other runners and being passed by other runners. There was a slight breeze which disappeared after a while. Sipping water and passing it on and supporting each other and our runner friends. 

After a while, going round and round and the weather seemed to get to me. Wanted to just stop and walk. But didn't want to as I would seem like a wuss. So kept going. So when we were over an hour mark, we decided to break away and run at our individual pace. Briefly walking brought some respite. Then it was back to running steadily. Played with the idea of doing something I have never done before. I removed my running vest and handed it over to my friend and ran bare chested. Felt nice and light and cool. 

As I kept passing the clock just waiting for it to hit the two hour mark. By this time I decided to walk to the water station at every round, drink water and pour it on myself to keep my body from overheating. And it seemed to work, was able to up the pace. It is always a morale booster when you heard your friend cheering and egging you on, offering you water and fruits, teasing you by asking if they could pace you. 

So we finally entered the last stretch and I decided time to sprint, assuming this was the last lap. Alas there was time for one more. Here I felt like a spent force, I decided to go on one more lap, Ans walked for a while to catch my breath. Then as I reached the last bend seen people trying to pace their friend, decided to give it my all and began my sprint to the finish. When I finally finished, pumped my fist knowing I did what I set out to do. Covered well over 21 kms in those two hours in the hot and humid weather. 

As I received the medal from my friend, who was eager to put it on my neck and posed for pics, I knew it was now an experience to treasure. All I wanted to do is find something to drink and fall flat and rest.

All in all an it was an experience to savour. Although it left me feeling a hell lot drained, couldn't asked for it any other way of trying push the limits to see how far you can go. So left the venue with a sense of pride at what was achieved, individually and most importantly for the team. 

Thursday, June 08, 2017

The Mohammad Ali Experience

The holy month of  Ramzan always necessitate a trip to Mohammad Ali Road to partake in a sumptuous meal that the season has to offer you.

As you make your way down the crowded narrow streets, dodging people and handcarts, making sure you don't step in a puddle or dashed by a vehicle, you are just working up your appetite. Slowly and steadily you glance on the lit up minarets of the mosque and what follows is a true feast for all the senses.

As you approach Minara Masjid you are greeted by carts and carts of vendors busy frying nan-sandwiches, egg rolls and various kebabs. The whiff of tandoori chicken, malai chicken slowly filling your nostrils causing your now worked up tummy to begin its growling. You have Hyderabadi Haleem and chicken biryani, Kichda and various chicken dishes just stacked there calling out to you, tempting you, causing a small puddle to form in your mouth as you drool like Pavlov dog.

Every where you glance upon you can see people gorging down their food, savouring it. Sellers beckoning people to their stalls, offering you their air conditioned seating arrangements, in case you are looking at a way from escaping the heat. 

You have the office goers, teeny boppers, the enthusiastic photobloggers and photographers clicking stories and pictures for their blogs, families, people of various faiths and not just the Muslims. This is a place for everyone.

If you are one of those who are bothered about hygiene and how your food is cooked, then be prepared to go back empty stomach as this place ain't meant for you. In a way have you ever been to the kitchen of a 5-star restaurant? Also, all your calorie counting will go out of the window. If you don't want to enjoy good food then you need to leave your calorie concerns behind. Look at this way, you are giving yourself more calories to burn. One thing you do need to be concerned about is those who are not here for the food.

All in all, a trip to Mohammad Ali is a true feast for the senses, along with the feast for the stomach. It is also a good reminder of the cultural melting point that is Mumbai, where people will come together and celebrate in harmony not bothering about religion.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Confession of a Runnaholic

What's your running story?

Why do you run?
How did you start running?
How can you wake up at such ungodly hours just to run a couple of miles?
How can you run so much?
How can you pay so much just to run a race for a silly medal and some snacks?

These are few but familiar questions that a runner constantly faces. Truth be told, we really don't know the answers to most of them, and on this Global Running Day, we don't think we would be able to answer them. How do you explain to a non-runner the passion behind this mad addiction? Very often we don't remember why we started in the first place. It seems like eons ago that we started running, and now it has become part of our being, the life we live.

We run because we can, because we were born to run. We have been built for running. For our ancestors running was a way of living, a way of surviving, to avoid starvation or being the next meal. But over the years, thanks to progress, we have forgotten to run. Not anymore cause running is back with a bang. We are the running addicts, the runnaholics, who cannot do without running a few miles or kms.

Running knows no age. A true runner doesn't bother about pace or distance, give them a road and they will be content to run for a lifetime. There's no particular age to start running. 

There are many inspirational stories of runner, just waiting to be told, to inspire, to be heard. All you need to just scroll down to read their stories in their own words. Meet runner and listen patiently.

Running is not just a form of exercise, it's a way of life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that for a runner, it is as important as breathing. In running it as important to give back as you receive. To cheer and support as much as you receive, sometimes even more. For a non-runner, this would be difficult to understand and we don't think they ever will. But we are runners and will always run.

The road of life goes on and on
Out from my doorstep 
Into the great beyond
Where it will lead us 
No one knows
But down that road 
I shall go
With a spring in my step
And a smile on my face
The road of life goes on and on