He stumbled out of his car, at an ungodly hour, after driving aimlessly all night. He felt weary, his eyes teary, after trying to hold it together, inside. His heart felt heavy, but his pockets were empty, and his wallet as light as a weather. The only weight that he felt was the one on his head and the weight of the world in his shoulders.
He had dreams, he had plans, ambitions he had, but somehow they all went wanting. There were so many things he wanted to do, things to see, things to do, with a lot to achieve and prove. He had the drive and abilities to make them true. But he lacked a Plan B, and the year turned into a deadly foe, that left him feeling hopeless and low. It had thrown a spanner in the work, poured water all over his plans and now he didn’t know what to do. He saw his world crumbling around him, threw threatening to bury it under its rubble. He felt the walls closing around him, such that it would squeeze the life from within
So he made his way to the bar, after wandering for hours, he had nowhere else to be. He needed to drown his sorrow for there was no tomorrow, or escaping the fears that threatened to consume him whole. But then the bar was closed, and though he knocked on the door, no one was opening it for him. So he peered throw the windows and stared at the bar, imagining the bartender pouring his drink. And then he saw the old piano and remembered the wise man who tickled the ivories, passing sage advice to patrons who needed it most with their drinks. So he began to sing to himself.
“Sing me a song, oh you Piano-man
Sing me a song tonight
I am cold and weary
And life is so dreary
How I wish I could end it all tonight!”
And low and behold, he heard the wise piano-man replied to his pleas!
“Son look around,
There are many to be found
Who are sailing in the same boat as you
If you make it through the stormy weather
Life’s only going to get better
You’ve just got to stay afloat
Even grey clouds have a silver lining
So you just stay shining
You’ll find your pot of gold
At the end of your rainbow
Remember the harder you fall
The higher you will rise
Rough time will makes a tougher you
You’re going to get stronger
So hold on a bit longer
You’ve just got to learn to adapt
So son don’t loose hope
Just learn to stay float
Find it within you to withstand it all
You have it in you
A strength you never knew
That will help you rise when you fall
So stay a little stronger
Hold on a bit longer
Just believe me you’ll sail through!!!”
And as he heard these words in head, he no longer felt dread, or the anxiety that threatened to choke his life. His heart filled with hope, and he now believed he could would survive. So he wiped off the tears, that now begun to show, he now had a renewed belief in life. He knew he could overcome whatever obstacles that would came and the lemons that life threw his way. He was hopeless no more!
So he sighed and sang to himself...
“Sing me a song Oh you Piano-man
Sing me a song tonight
Cause I no longer feel lost
And I will fight back at all cost
Cause your song just saved my life!”