Have you wondered if there’s anything that’s faster than the speed light? There probably might not be one! But have you ever considered the speed at which an overthinker overthinks? It may not be faster, for sure, but its speeds comparatively fast (or so I think).
It doesn’t take much to get an overthinker to overthink, just put them in a situation, or tell them something, or just give them a task, or better still, let them find themselves in one, and see how fast their mind goes racing, albeit in loops, round and round, going nowhere.
And don’t make the mistake of tell them not to overthink, you’ll be sending them down a spiral of overthinking.
They can’t help themselves thinking and analysing every situation from every possible angle, often coming up with the worst case scenarios (the best case scenario never does exist in their mind), or not even coming to a conclusion, causing them to stress and overstress, more than the actual situation/scenario/ whatever you perceive it to be.
Everything goes through loops and loops of analysing and overanalysing a thousand times before the mind kinds of settle (though I really don’t think an overthinker has a calm mind). And never does their analysis ever lead them to considering the best scenario, it always what could possibly go wrong, or down the least creative path. Making them the eternal pessimist, always doubting and stressing, always overthinking. Always having the cogs in their brains churning at warp speeds.
Never quite bothering about the harm they cause themselves. Never quite realising the hurt they inflict on others. Never quite letting them live the life they deserve to live or do things freely without thinking about consequences (even there’s none). Never letting them enjoy life the way it’s meant to be. Never letting them strengthens bonds and relationships. Never quite letting them reach their true potential.
Thus it’s safe to say that even though there may not be anything faster than the speed of light, the speed at which an overthinker overthinks comes quite close.
But do be kind to an overthinking mind and help them find a way out of that endless loop they, cause very often they struggle to help themselves.