Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Just around the corner

It’s just around the corner. Just one more turn and you’ll be there, he kept telling himself, trying to will himself to continue to move on.

But the corner passed and he was no closer to the end than he was an hour and a half ago when he told himself the same thing.

His feet complained. He’d been on them for far too long. They were now aching and protesting l.

He would feel the soreness of every inch of his being, even his soul. He could feel them complain threatening to just to give up on him.

By now he was all by himself. The ones who started with him had long gone ahead and he was left behind. In fact, he could see them on the other side of the route waving at him cheering on.

He felt disheartened and drained.

Even his mind began to play tricks on him, to question his sanity to undertake this arduous undertaking. Making him wonder what had gotten into him to even think he could do this. Making him wonder if he was going round in circles. Making wonder when would it all come to an end. Whether he should just give up.

But despite it all, in a little corner of his mind there was hope, trying to fan that small spark within him that kept spurring him on.

A little voice deep within telling him that he got this despite all his aches and pains and fatigue. Telling him, as cliched as it may sound, he didn’t come so far to just give up. He didn’t put all this effort just to quit before the finish.

He had come so far, he just couldn’t give up.

So he willed him to just keeping moving. And like Dory he sang to himself,

“Just keep running, running, what do we do we keep running!”

And lo and behold, when he turned that final corner the finish line came insight.

He spotted his friends and well wishers standing at the finish line cheering him on.

And so with one final push, he gave it all he could, and dashed across the line much to the delight of those gathered there.

He raised his arms in ecstasy, fell to his knees with tears streaming down his cheek glad that he didn’t give up when he felt like giving up, for believing that his destination was just around the corner, even when it was not.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Hope Necessitation

If there’s nothing else in this world

There will always be hope

Hope is what makes the world go around 

Without making a single sound

Hope is that what we have in our heart

When we wake up every morning

When we go to bed at night

Hoping that today will be a better day

Hoping tomorrow will be a better one 

Hope is what gets out of the door 

Especially on days when we struggle the most

Always pushing through

Always nudging us to take just another step

Hoping that step by step we will find our way

Hope is what gets us through the day 

And then through the night

Hoping tomorrow will be a better than today

Hoping tomorrow we find a better way

To cope with life and all it challenges

Hope is that little flame

That lights up our way

Sometimes burning passionately  bright 

Sometimes just a feeble , flickering  light

But always lighting the way

When you’re lost and alone 

Hoping somewhere, somehow you’ll find your way home

Hope is that bolt energy that keeps us moving 

Encouraging us to put foot ahead of foot

One step at a time

Always  moving 

Never stopping 

Hoping to find a way out of the mess we find ourselves  in

Hope to get out of the quagmire we find ourselves stuck in

When all else fails there’s always hope

Never letting us down 

Never letting us go

Like a stubborn child

Refusing to leave our side 

No matter how much the world tries to wash it away

Hope will always be there

In the darkest of nights

In the most terrible of days 

Always finding a way to keep moving

To keep us breathing 

To keep us alive 

Hope will never let you go

Hope will never let you down

Hope is what the world is built on

As long as there’s hope

There’ll always be a way to survive

There’ll always be a solution 

There’ll always be a light at the end of the tunnel 

There’ll always be sunrise after a bleak dark night

Hope is what will keep us going 

Hope is what keeps alive

As long as there’s hope

No one can put you down

The world could do with a little hope

We all could do a great big hit of hope

Cause that’s what will help us to make it through!!!

Monday, October 21, 2024

A Peaceful Place

I have never been the religious kind. Although there was time when everyone thought I would join the priesthood, and truth be told I almost thought so too, but then thankfully I didn’t cause I don’t think I’m cut out for it. But I admit I have been a bit religious at some point in my life. However, over the years I’ve become more humanitarian than religious. It’s not that I stopped believing in religion (I still do) it’s just that I look at life more from a human aspect than a religious one.

Somehow I have always had this notion that religion tends to narrow one’s thinking and their outlook of life. However, this isn’t true. It’s in fact people who use religion as an excuse for their narrow mindedness and justify their hypocrisy.

That said, what I mean is I am not a very religious person. But somehow I find myself drawn to this place, and I am sure that religion has nothing to do with it.

You just sit there and close your eyes and have this silent conversation. You don’t even need to mutter a word or say a prayer. You just have this honest conversation. 

You can pour your heart out without the fear of being judged. You know for sure you’re going to find an empathetic and sympathetic ear in yourself.

Somehow, sitting there in silence fills you with this peace, brings a comforting feeling, calming you down, telling you that no matter how bad things may seem you’ll make it through.

You get this soothing feeling slowly trying to calm you down and bringing down your anxiety levels, talking yourself off any ledge that you may find yourself on.

In those few moments helps to bring you a sense of peace, putting you at ease.

Your situation may not have changed from what it was before, but you now have a more calmer perspective to the way you see things and approach it.

You know that somehow, somewhere, you’ll make it out that what troubles you. There’s a way out of your misery. There’s a soothing balm for your pain. You needn’t do anything drastic.

That’s the magic of spending time in quiet silence in this wonderful place. You come way with a sense of peace.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Close encounters of the furry kind

Having not been able to complete my run mileage the previous week, I was very determined to get it done by hook or crook. And the events of the week further gave this run a whole different meaning.

So you find yourself in the early morn, quickly doing your warm up while others (with the exception of runners) are fast asleep tucked in their bed, enjoying their Sunday sleep. 

You patiently wait for the gates to open , and when it does you scurry through it and into the dark park.

Darkness immediately engulfs you. Ok, it’s not that dark. There are those few street lamps (can you even call it that, or should it be park lights) that try their best to keep the darkness at bay. Luckily you have your headlamp, which would help you navigate through the darkness till dawn lights up your way.

You start off cautiously not wanting to trip on potholes or speed breakers (cause falling in the park is what your burgers and fires does best, and you don’t want to add to the craters in the park).

Your headlamp does its best to light up your way through the light drizzle and mist. You squint to see what’s ahead of you.

As you slowly make your way through the darkness you note a couple of dots that light up as you look at them, glowing in the dark.

You know what they are and are not perturbed by their presence. Well they too don’t seem perturbed by your presence. They just glance your way wondering what type of strange creature is this who’s running at such an odd hour when they should have in fact be in bed (you could the same thing about them too). But then they are used to seeing such crazy fools in the early hours. So they just glance and return to what they were doing before the light shone on them. There was no way you disturb or distract them from what they were doing in the dark, which was eating grass (what did you think they were doing in the dark!!!).

You continue on your run and come up to Gandhi Tekadi. Wanting to cover it at least once in the morning so you don’t have to slog through it in the heat of day, you take the turn up the Tekadi.

So up you go, running slowly up the slope cause hills and slope have never been kind to you. Somehow you have this feeling that  you struggle with them, but then this is not always true. You try your best to avoid being smacked in the face by the branches of the overgrown shrubbery which have thrived in the rains.

Then suddenly out of nowhere you see another pair of glowing eyes that quickly scurries away across the path ahead and into the shrubbery, making you wonder what exactly was it.

It wasn’t a deer cause it didn’t feel like it or moved like one. It couldn’t be a cat cause it was bit bigger than the usual stray feline that you have notice in the park.

And then it comes to you causing your heart to skip a thousand beats. Could it be the furry one? But you didn’t hear any calls to indicate its presence, and then there were the deer that were grazing at the base of the Tekadi. They wouldn’t be there if they knew it was this close.

So you look in the direction that it went , your head lamp lighting up the area. And then you see a silhouette of it, on top of the ridge. You can make out a shape that’s a little bigger than a common cat, and those glowing eyes staring at you, watching you from high ground, almost as if it was stalking you.

And in the moment you wonder if you should be brave and continue running up that hill, or do the wise thing and slowly turnaround, without showing any signs of fear (which in the moment is the most difficult thing you could do), and go back down to the safety of the road below.

You choose to do the later, slowly trying to make your way down, but  your insides are all terrified of what you’ve seen and what could happen. But then considering the week you had this wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to you.  

As you slowly make your way back (cause your trying hard not to go into full panic mode and burst into a sprint) you see this elderly gentleman on his morning walk without a flashlight with just a stick in hand, unperturbed by the darkness.

You stop and try to warn him about what lies ahead (or you think lies ahead). However, he seems agitated by you and screams at you. Thats when you realise that you’re actually blinding him with your headlamp. You quickly switch off your headlamp but he doesn’t seem to heed your warning and continues with his walk.

You wonder should you continue doing what you were doing which was getting the hell out there as fast as you could, or do the so called gentlemanly thing and follow him to ensure he’s safe.

You being you, you decide to do the later and follow him a little behind as he waddled his way to the top.

As go past the place of your sighting of those glowing eyes stalking you from its perch, you nervously look around and then look ahead for any sign of what lay hiding in the darkness. You are anxious and in full alert mode, trying hard not to panic. Somehow the presence of this elderly gentleman ahead of you gives you reassurance and calms you down to a good extent.

You realise though you were trying to do the noble thing and ensuring that this person was safe, but in reality it was the other way around. It was his presence that reassured you and made you feel safe.

So you quietly walk behind as he continues without showing any sign of anything.

Suddenly you see this other gentleman coming down the slopes, probably doing hill repeats in the dark. 

He gets scolded by our gentleman as he had squeezed through the gates even before time and the security was whistling for him to stop.

After this brief conversation your knight in shinning armour continues on his walks while the other gentleman continues with his runs while you continue to walk silently behind your knight.

When you finally reach the top you go round the monument like you always do while your knight checks if anyone is there.

You realise it’s finally time to part way and continue with your run and complete your mileage.

You thank your knight for his company and to your surprise he thanks you too.

It’s finally time to go on your way, so you cautiously make your back down the hill in a nice  and slow jog, looking all around wondering what’s lurking in the dark. 

You breathe a sigh of relief on reaching the base and you continue on your run.

The rest of your run proved to be quite uneventful , if not boring as you brave the elements of the initial rains followed by the heat and humidity later in the morning.

Though you managed to complete the mileage you set out to do, the events, or if I could call it adventures, of the first hour would stick with you more than your achievement of completing 29k mostly on your own.