Friday, January 05, 2007

Wish.. Wish.. Wish

How i wish to wake up in the morning and all my mistakes are no more. Rubbed off and there is a clean slate. I how I wished I could undo the mess I have created. How i wish I had a time turner to turn back time.

How I wish.....


Awalokiteswara said...

A: Well this is a test to see if my messages can make way to your inbox ;)
B: The UI of your blog is just the same as mine :)
C: This Post of yours is also similar to what I had posted about waking up in the morning..bla bla! I guess everybody would like to wake up like you've described! Here's wishing you such mornings in this new year. But remember, YOU can actually make your mornings be like you wish them to be, by unscrewing the screwed-up things. :D.
If that doesn't help, then you should reconcile yourself to the fact that everything that happens, happens for the good.
P.S> Well too long a comment! Ach!:P

Awalokiteswara said...

Here's my blog:

Shrikant Ayyangar said...

Your wish cannot be fulfilled, but you can definitely make sure you do not face any such situation where you need to turn back time or wish that it never happened.
Take everyday with a smile on your face and make sure your honesty and integrity is displayed in each and every action of yours..enjoy life, do not think too much..keep smiling..shri :)