Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whose side do you take???

What happens when two friends have a misunderstanding, therefore have a disagreement and don't want to talk to each other. What do you if you are the common link between the two??? Both are stubborn and stand by their point of view. Both in a way are wrong. One jumps to a conclusion based on what they see, without clarifying or trying to understand the situation, hence says things that are not necessarily right. Then the other friend is a bit aggressive and gets angry quickly without trying to properly rationalise the whole situation. A person who cares deeply but can go overboard showing it. Both think the other is wrong, weird, immature, childish, stupid.

How do you bridge this misunderstanding without taking sides of anyone??? How do you make them realise their mistakes and stop further bad things happening to their friendship, at the same time saving your friendship, your relationship (especially if one of them is a very important part of your life). What do you do without loosing your own mind or temper??? You care for both, you don't want anything bad to happen. You know bad things were said or may be said, but you know this a result of flaring tempers. Deep down none mean things they say.

How do you solve this problem while trying to be unbiased to either??? How do you solve this without putting your relationship in danger??? How do you solve this before you loose your own sanity???

1 comment:

Bop said...

in my opinion and expierience, you must detach yourself from both parties. think of the moral high-ground, and that is the right thing to do. if either one or both diagree with you, that is thier problem. this does not mean you should stop loving them, its just your morals. a good friend would understand your situation i should think, and if not.....you may be better off without them. freinds are like shoes maybe. some pairs will last you a lifetime, others are great for a while but where out and start to hurt your feet, in that instance, you remember how good they were, know they are bad and discard them for a new pair.
