Man is a social animal, we seek out companionship and company like a heat seeking missile seeking out its target. Today's digital world gives being social a whole different meaning.
Recently came across an app on Facebook (is it right to call them apps??) that allows people to comment about you anonymously, no name, no identity revealed (unless you decide to find it away), you could speak your inner most desire, your forbidden thoughts... oh well I am rambling off like a stalkerish lunatic. Well in short you could comment about someone anonymously and they would not know who commented (isn't this the same as anonymous... such an oxy-moron) bringing a twinkle of mischief in the eye. Anonymity gives such a cover and opportunity to pull the leg.
So for the heck of it I registered to see what people would have to say when I released leash. I thought I was prepared for it but what eventually came cut too close to the bone. Even though most of it was in zest (or so I assume) I was not quite prepared for what was to come.
We live in the world where most of us love click and post, pout and post, do something and post about it, check-ins and live streams are our lives and what not. We all have succumbed to it... if not all then most of us (me included). We do this for what... just for a couple of likes... a couple of comments??? Just to stroke our egos we give the world a voyeuristic peep show into our lives, a front row seat to the play we are part (William Shakespeare remember).
My mom hates me clicking and posting pics, especially of hers, she says it is bad juju (well not exactly those words... who uses the word juju anyway). She's right in her own way and meaning. When we post we put ourselves out there, open our lives to the world, leaving nothing sacred or private. Our life is for all to see.
Well that being said, inspite of our best reasoning, nothing will stop us from being social. I know for all my thoughts, the next thing I am going to do is put this on a blog and then share it on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter to get the most eyeball. Isn't it ironic... don't you think.
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