Monday, July 22, 2019

.. for Good

Everyone that comes in our lives has a reason, has a purpose, has a role to play. They affect us, they change us, they meld us and mould us, helping us to become something good, helping us to become the best version of who we are, the best version of ourselves. And we in our own little way affect them too, helping them in return, only if we let ourselves to be open to each other, be affected by each other. Cause when we open ourselves we begin to learn, change and grow, together, for good.

But then nothing is truly permanent in life. Life itself isn’t permanent. So people are bound to come and go. And even though we try our level best to hold on to them, at some point we need to let go, set them free to set ourselves free, we can’t hold something forever. But even though they may go, they leave their impression up on us, upon or heart. And the ones that truly matter never truly go away. They imprint upon us, etched in our memories, like photographs hung on the walls of minds, they never go away, staying with us for all eternity.

Relationships are rarely permanent, rarely last, but the ones that are meant to be will be. Relationships are like the parable of the sower. Some relationships fall on dry ground and fail to take root. Some fall on rocks, where there’s some soil, they take root, but on the first sign of the sun, of difficulty, they wither and die. But then there are those that take root and bare fruits, prospering and growing, weathering whatever come their way.

Many a relationship don’t turn the way we intended for them to be. Some metamorphosing into something more beautiful, something more meaningful, something that we hadn’t really thought they could be, but something that they needed to be. These relationships turn into something way more special and important and stand the test of time in their own way. Embrace every relationship that you had, cherish it, respect it, honour it, but when it is over, mourn it, and move on.

So in the end everyone that comes into our lives have a reason for their presence, have a role to play, to help bring about a change, to act as a catalyst to become the best version of ourselves, the version we were meant to be. And even when they go, when they have to leave, they still stay with us in the lesson which they taught us, the change they affected in us, they remain with us forever, they remain with us for good. People don’t really go away, they stay with us forever, in our hearts and in our minds, in a place where we will hold them for all eternity.

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