Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Whistling Tune

He sat at his work desk

All gloomy and blue

Cause nothing seemed to go his way

And he didn’t know what to do

It all seemed so normal

Since Work From Home Began

He longed to be anywhere but behind his desk

When low and behold he heard a sound 

That left him quite stunned 

A whistling tune 

that was melodious to the ears

He looked high 

He looked low

He searched for it here and there

For that whistling sound

Felt like it was calling to him

To follow it somewhere 

He looked at others to see if they heard

But that sweet whistling sound 

was only for his ears

So he put on his shoes

And followed it on

Cause that sweet whistling sound

Had hypnotised him somehow

So ran in the direction

He thought it came

He followed it high and he followed

He followed it for miles

But he couldn’t find 

where the whistling came from 

Till he came to a park 

Where he felt most at  home

As he ran through the park

He realised the whistling came from the trees 

From the rustling of their leaves

That swayed in the breeze

The deer peered 

And the monkeys stared 

He didn’t really cared

Like the mice following the piper

He followed the whistling tune

And he followed the tune

He forgot his cares

And felt light as a feather

He ran through the woods

Whistling the tune that he heard

Then the whistling led him back 

To the place it all started

And just as he heard it

In the same way it ended

But Leaving him 

refreshed, rejuvenated and joyous!


Anamika said...

Beautiful! Refreshing and rejuvenating!

Ramya B said...

Lovely , indeed rejuvenating

Musing Prahlad said...

Beautiful build-up of your poetry which highlights sounds that we normally take for granted.
Nice Ending!!

Rodman’s World said...

Thank you so much