Friday, March 19, 2021

Two Halves

They met online

When the world had a pandemic 

Which it’s still going through

And the country in  lockdown

Two lonely souls all by themselves 

With no one to talk to 

No one’s company but their own

Happened to meet online

Connected to each other in an instant

They chatted for hours on end

Sometimes over messenger

And then over Facebook and Insta

In witty comments

Left on some embarrassing photos

That had found its way in the cloud out there

For all to see

They exchanged numbers 

And called each other

Using the virtual space to clear space

And be connected a bit closer

In no time they muttered 

Those three words 

That shouldn’t be muttered so soon

So they waited eagerly 

For the lockdown to end

To meet for the first time

And meet each other in person, in the flesh

So at first chance they took a flight

To meet each other for the very first time

And needless to say 

Their meeting was full of passion

Like water released from a dam

That has been struggling keep it all in

Their passion flowed, wild and free

And consumed them

But then came a time

When the raging rapids began to settle down

And the passion of fire had begun to simmer

They began to see each other differently

One felt the other was not too sophisticated 

Too wild and untamed

Not upto the standard 

Lacking of basic etiquette 

While the other felt them too uptight

Lacking a joy and zeal for life

To much by the rules

They found one way or the other

To point out these differences to each other

Till finally came to point

Where they felt 

They weren’t meant to be part

Of each other’s world 

And so when their own separate ways

Little they try to realise

That they two different pieces 

Of a beautiful picture

Who were destined to come together 

To complete it and make it whole

And no two pieces can be the same

They just needed to learn to adapt 

So they could be the perfect fit for the other

So now let’s look at this story this way

They had differences, they had problem

But they talked and sorted it out together

Their courtship wasn’t always a rose garden

Cause a rose garden is bound to have thorns

They were moments they wanted out

Or they refused to speak to each other 

On days on end

But when they calmed down

The love felt for each other reeled them in

It may not have been a raging rapid

Of a burning fire

Which they started off with

But it was a more mature love

That was able to overcome obstacles together

That could make things work

Hence they just spoke what they felt

And made their thoughts clear

Rather than letting remain within and fester

And lead to misunderstanding 

Is they solved their issues together

An open space to say what was in within

To make things work

Two souls came together

To love and live in the moment

If not forever.

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