Sunday, September 17, 2023

Age… just another number!!!

“Age is just a number”

“You are as old as you feel”

.. the things we tell ourselves just to calm ourselves, not to go into tailspin, a nose dive because we are growing old.

These are words we use to reassure ourselves, just to hold on to our youth, to hold on to an age that’s slowly slipping through our fingers.

Is this a lie, or a simple white lie we tell ourselves? But in the end isn’t it a lie nonetheless! 

Are we trying to reassure ourselves that we can hold on to our youthfulness no matter what our age is? No matter the age you’ll always be young at heart.i

Sadly the heart has other things to say on this matter, has another point of view, and may not always share the same thought process, may not see the things the way you do.

You may think you’re 16 but then that’s not what your body knows it is. It many not follow your chain of thoughts and behave accordingly.

But then there’s always a positive way to see aging rather than lamenting about growing old. And hey, growing old cannot be all that bad. 

You can always look at it this way, you are moving up a level, you’re changing your age category where you don’t have to be bracketed with younger millennials, you’re getting more experienced.

If change is the only constant in life then why not accept that our age is going to change with each passing day, each passing moment. So why not accept that our body will go through changes as we age.

But that doesn’t mean we just let go of ourselves and accept the aging process. That doesn’t mean we should stop doing what we do. We may not be able to do the things way we did it before, with the same energy, but that doesn’t mean we will never be able to do these things at all. 

We need to learn to adapt, we need to learn to train ourselves, we need to accept change, and  adapt ourselves to the change. We need to learn to grow.

We need to learn to treat our bodies, ourselves, with love and respect. Nourish it, take care of it, pamper it, and it will reward you in return.

You may even end up being the envy of others, end up going one up on your naysayers, proving them wrong. 

Seeing how fit you are you may have many hoping to be as fit as you when they reach your age (take this as a compliment, don’t overthink and spoil it), they wish they were as fit as you.

So once you take care of yourself you needn’t have to tell yourself all these, you’ll be a living proof that age is just a number.

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