Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Look Over There!!!

Let me start by saying this, violence can never be be tolerated. Rape is heinous. Together these are vile and can never ever be justified. No one has the right to take or destroy what is not theirs. 

There’s nothing like a doodh ka dhula politician (if I got that phrase right). All of them, somewhere or another, they have blood on their hands. This applies to every political party.

Now that’s out of the way, seeing the news and posts of friends and acquaintances on the post poll violence in West Bengal has been distressing, as if we didn’t have anything less on our plate at the moment! Violence, killing and rape is wrong and, as I said, can never be justified, and every politician has blood on their hand.

Reading those, but taking my inherent mistrust of the ones involved I wanted to write a scathing rebuke why I felt that we can’t take what you see, knowing the great IT machinery of the accuser, and the very fact that it’s entire machinery has descended on to the state when the nations capital and number of states are breathless with a lack of oxygen and vaccines. Hence the reason for my suspicion. Or it maybe my inherent dislike (cause hatred is a strong term). But then realised writing this wouldn’t help, it would lead to more disagreements and arguments and strained friendships.

So here are some of my thoughts. We are country that is easily manipulated to hatred. It a weapon that’s wielded every political party.  Not one political can ever deny the usage of this weapon. Why only our country, Trump cam into power riding the wave of hate, and continued to polarise a nation, and still does. Hating is something to at instilled in us. We were rules using the divide and rule, and we continue to be ruled by the same adage. This is what hate mongers tap in.

Plus we have our political biases and many a times blinded by it. And this goes not ways, I know I have mine, and at times I know I am blinded by it. So we will always try to see and believe what we want to believe, facts be damned.  If you see, all who shared the post on their stories didn’t write a single line praying for the victim, or praying for peace and justice prevail, not a single line for the victims. We are so blinded by hate that we named leaders but didn’t show compassion for those affected by it.

We are a nation that’s easily distracted. We suffer from “Look Over There” and “Wag The Dog “ syndrome. It’s a ploy that have been applied in the past and it continues to be applied even today. We have humongous crisis  in our hand that’s already out of hand, we need to focus on getting g ourselves out. That doesn’t mean that Bengal crisis is less. But the. That’s for the Law and Order to see it. 

We are nowhere in the clear with COVID-19. We 3 lakh plus cases reported everyday and 3k plus people people loosing their lives daily. Each life lost could have been a life saved.A huge chunk of our population are still to get its first dose of vaccination, and we are already suffering a shortage of vaccines. Courts all over the country have been pulling up both the Central ans State Govts in the way it has handled the second wave. Our healthcare system is overburdened and crumbling, but still resilient, while powers are still in denial mode.

People are on the edge. They have lost lives, living, loved ones, homes. There’s a constant anxious feeling. Every moment threatens to push someone over the edge. And trust me a post like the ones we saw, is enough to turn someone insomniac. This along with the daily reports of deaths and the crashing healthcare system.

So here’s a request. Wether the news is true or fake news, let’s pray for those affected, let’s pray for peace, let’s be kind with one and other. We could do with a helping hand. Instead of being a nation divided by our political beliefs, let’s try to be kind to one another. Irrespective of our political abs religious beliefs, we come together to overcome, hate, violence and COVID-19. Cause together we will make it through.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Completely agree! Let us pray and look at the larger picture-humanity, and forget cribbing over our selfish petty motives.