Once upon a time, a few decades gap, born a little boy as cute as you could know. He had cutest of faces and the rosiest of cheeks that made everyone to squeeze.
He grew into this cute little boy, the apple as well as envy of many eyes. With the chubbiest of cheeks and softest bums like buns, though not of steel. Much to the delight of the aunties and others, who wanted to pinch and squeeze (you see, there was not known as abuse then), much to annoyance and charging of he.
His grandmother and mum wanted to see him plump, so they kept feeding him with all that he could take. And trust me he didn’t mind this a bit and gobbled up the food with delight. In the afternoon if you were to hear a sound, like a mouse scurrying around, it was just him rummaging through the cupboards for something to eat.
As he grew older and he became a bolder, his aunt and father felt that he needed to be disciplined, so off to the boarding he went. Now the food in the boarding was no good, and lil guy was in no mood, to eat the rice and the dal prepared in the day. So he stopped eating his noon meal and so the weight began to peel. So by the time he was out of the boarding, he looked a poor boy starving.
So once he was back home, his mom tried to make up for the time gone, trying to get to be fat again. College life brought out the eating of junk and all the fast food could. That meant putting on the little pound here and a little pound there. Not exactly making him fat, just healthy as he would love to say.
Now the little boy grew up into a not quite a strapping lad, and a model he wanted to be. So he tried to Gym, on a whim, but couldn’t sustain the enthusiasm. And with it went his weight. But obese was not he wanted to be, so he tried to apply himself more practically, whether at the Gym or what he ate.
Seeing all the hunks And well toned bodies all around, made this lil boy want to be the next model. So he strove to get into shape and even get his portfolio clicked. Sadly for him, the struggle of a model he couldn’t take. So he once more gave up on the dream. Looking at those pics now makes him cringe, because he was not the model that he thought he could be. But from this all came a something good he became health conscious and ate good food.
So the years went by and the lil boy grew older, he found and lost love and then love found him again, and that love made want to look good again. He got hooked on running as he was into gymming. Diets he followed, to some success and then he unfollowed. Health magazine he read and used apps to keep his workout in check. But his control over food wavered cause he always loved what he savoured, leading to weight gains and then the struggle to loose it again.
And now he’s trying to stay lean and from the results he has seen, inspires him to push onwards to try new things and new way to help him get lean and stronger. Weights was not just what he used, he tried crossfit and functional training and even a mix of both. The results he began to see made look triumphantly, cause although he knew he was cute, but now he was lean and hot to boot (or at least that he felt). So this lil boy promised himself, to continue to take care of his health and always strive to look good.
So this a story of a lil boy that I once knew. It could be me, or it could be you.
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