We live in a world where you are in a minority if you are doing something that you are passionate about, something you love doing, following your dreams. It's the only few times when the minority is the envy of the majority, if that can be said.
Very often we find ourselves in less than favourable situations. Our passions and dreams take a back seat and in it place you have responsibilities which have taken
precedence. We suppress our dreams all because we have mouths to feed, bills to be paid and loans to be repaid. And in all these our dreams get buried and the passion that burnt brightly now is just embers.
Each day you wake up to a routine. You drag your butt out of bed, or you can say your carcass out of bed, trying to make it through the day, hoping against hope that it ain't just another mundane day. But then you are also praying that it ain't another stressful day. And if you're lucky then your prayers may be answered, but then often than not you get double dose of a mundane stressful day. You feel like you're being sucked into a quagmire only to be rescued and be put back again to where you have been trying to escape from.
Very often we find ourselves doing things that don't interest us, working for clients we may have the most colourful words for, surrounded by people that we may not relate to. We would love to be anywhere but here, rather be running, singing, dancing, drinking or eating, but not here. The coffee sucks, the people not quite interesting (cause they too have their share of frustration), don't get me started with the company and it's weird policy, and you are not been paid enough, in fact you're being paid peanuts.
Everywhere you turn you see obnoxious, egoistic, insensitive, morons, making you wonder how did they get so far, how the hell did you find yourself amongst them. Definitely they may have not worked hard cause to work hard you would need mental faculties which they sorely lack.
You just want to scream, to escape, to fly away, fly the coupe, just get out of here. When you are all ready to take that plunge harsh realities hits you. No matter what you do you need to do it cause in life you need a little money to get by. And yes a little help from love and your friends.
So till then, though you cry, crib or stomp and throw a tantrum, these are things you will have to do to get by.
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