There are so many songs that serenade a woman and how to love her and how to treat her and how to hold her. Yeah we get it, you’re beautiful, inside and outside, and your beauty is beyond compare, and there’s no one like you in this world. But how about a song on what it takes to love a man? We are not as simple as you take us to be, well not as complicated either. We may not want to be serenaded, but how about a song for us too (not like the ones from Game of Thrones)?
Well as the ladies are busy writing songs on how they have not been treated fair (which in all fairness is true), how life has been hard on them, and how they have been cheated on, so it is upto us men to shine light on what it is like to love a man. Now remember this just an opinion and may not represent all of mankind, so please don’t come at me with pitchforks and torches to hunt and burn me down.
So let’s start! Not all men are Male-Chauvinistic pigs, may be some presidents and ministers and a few men but not all men. Yes we have century old of hardwiring that has been soldered in our brains, so it’s going to take us a while to unlearn what has been drummed into our head. Trust us, we are trying, well at least a few us.
Chivalry ain’t dead, in fact it is alive and kicking. It all depends on your upbringing and what your parents thought they taught you. But then if you believe in equal rights then treat her the way you would like to be treated. Trust me, most women actually like these things, it shows them R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
We may (with the emphasis on “May”) have read, seen and even liked (shudder) the 50 Shades movies and books, but we don’t believe in dominant and submissive. What we do believe that when egos are kept in check, we can have a good and healthy relationship. Remember we are all humans and as humans we do mistake, so we can’t always be right.
We may seem to have an attention span of a goldfish and memory like Dory, but we will certainly make up for our forgetfulness (that’s if we are that forgetful). No matter how un romantic we may seem, we can be romantic and spontaneous when we are not pushed to it. Remember it took Chandler to complete Monica’s proposal.
It’s a common misconception that we keep thinking about sex every three minutes (or is it less?). Oh come on, we can’t be thinking of that much sex, we do think about food, cricket, football, and “Oh hell, what did we forget now?”
Our eyes may stray, but heart is always with the one we love the most. So though the eyes may follow the good looker it will always return to the one that holds the heart.
Just as there is Daddy’s little girl, we will have the mummas boy. But trust me this is the most uncomfortable thing to juggle, to satisfy two people at once.
We are bad at answering trick questions. We have left answering questions in college. Besides what’s the use of answering something for which you already know the answer.
We may seem forgetful, untidy, indisciplined, wild, but know that we will do what we can for love. Cause if it is meant to be we will do all we can.
We may believe that we are the breadwinner, the provider, the giver, but every help is more than welcome. It may seem that it would hurt our fragile egos, but the truth be told we believe in all hands on deck.
As much as we love caring and taking care, we love to be cared for and taken care. We may not always express it, but we love to be loved and showered with all the attention.
We may not show it but can be an emotional wreck. For all the machoism and bravado that we display, we are a softie on the inside. We may not show it public cause we don’t want to hurt our image or we need to keep up a strong exterior, but we too hurt, we too tear up, sometimes into ugly tears, but we do.
So there you have it, it may not be exhaustive, but here’s your guide to what it takes to love a man... according me. So it doesn’t matter your gender or preference, these are just a few aspects for it. And once again we have a right to our opinion and I respect yours as much as I have respect mines, so please don’t kill me for it.
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