Sunday, December 09, 2018

The Christmassy Feeling

We made it through the year
From January to December 
But now is the season
When you don’t need a reason
To get that feeling 
The one that’s the most beautiful feeling of all

It’s that time of year 
That brings a good cheer
Everywhere you see
Are smiling faces and happy faces
Everyone a holly, jolly soul

Everywhere you see
Is red, gold and green
Silver bells and jingle bells
And Santa hats and reindeer ears
Bells all jingling, stars all glittering
And ornaments to adorn your tree

The stores look all festive
Filled with eager shoppers
With their bags filled with treasures 
Trying to find what they want
Haggling and bargaining 
But all filled with good cheer

The fairy lights and the street lights
And star lights and the LED ones
All blink bright red and green
And some with a little gold too
Making you feel like 
Walking in a winter wonderland 

There are sellers selling Christmas trees
Of whatever height you may please
Some green, some with snow
And some with stars and lights that glow
You have an inflated snowman
And a Santa playing a saxophone 
All enhancing that Christmassy feeling

I can help but feeling
That I blame it on the season 
For this holly jolly feeling 
But for me it will always be
The most wonderful time of the year

We may not know snow
And the weather ain’t that cold
And will never see snowflakes 
But that won’t stop us from carolling
And hoping for a white Christmas 
And singing let it snow, let it snow
Ans about frosty the snowman 

The children are straining to hear
Sliver bells and jingle bells
And for sleigh bells in the imaginary snow
They’re writing letters to Santa 
Hoping that Santa knows
They have been good through the year
And hoping he doesn’t see
The naughty that they had been

In all these feeling
Let’s not forget the reason for the season 
To spread joy and cheer
And bring happiness and hope
To the ones who need it the most
Never ever forgetting 
the reason for the season
So spreading hope, joy and love

So I am so happy
Cause it’s beginning to look like Christmas 
Everywhere I go

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