Monday, October 14, 2019

There’s Something About the Waltz

There’s something beautiful of the waltz. The rise and fall, the elegance of it all. The fluidity of the movement, makes it all seem like you’re floating on air,  as you twirl around the room, making the most of the whole floor. And you maintain the hold, maintain the frame, making it look elegant and classy, a step above all the gyrating and pelvic thrusting of other dance forms.

There’s something magical about the waltz when done right, makes it all seem so effortless, so elegant, so beautiful, liking gliding on air. There’s something dreamy about it, maybe that’s what makes it all seem so magical.

The music is lilting and melodious. There’s no thumping, or heavy bass. It’s pure rise and fall, soothing to the ears and mind. Captures your spirit and carries you with it. It envelopes you in it and you can’t help yourself but be carried away with it, to let the music move you, run through and rise and fall till reach a crescendo.

Theres something about the waltz that it’s no longer about moving back and forth and side to side. Its all about drifting with the music. It’s not all high energy and quick movements, but movement that’s graceful, that’s elegant, that’s classic, and most of all breathtaking.

There’s something about the waltz that made me fall in love with it, that’s makes me move to the music, leaving all the cares and worries and pains and stress behind and let music and the dance carry me away. There’s something about the waltz.

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