Saturday, July 01, 2017


One thing we all want from life is to be accepted by others, to be accepted by society. But how many of us truly accept ourselves the way we are?

They say charity begins at home, so if you want to be be accepted by others, we first need to accept ourselves the way we are. And there lies the crux of our troubles, our stress. We find it  difficult to accept ourselves for who we are, often feeling ashamed of our blemishes in life.

There's always something that we want to change about ourselves. We are never truly comfortable in our own skin. There are endless list of wants to change, starting with weight. And this not just for women, men face it too. 

In a world that has has taken being social to a whole different level, we want to be perfect. We are obsessed of fitting in, to be accepted in social circles, so much so that we are more than willing to put a false facade just to be seen as acceptable. But in doing this we are slowly steadily loosing touch with our true self.

It's not that the world is perfect. Everyone has their issues, no one is perfect. We are all imperfect, a little damaged. It it is in this imperfection that makes us perfect specimens. We are got to learn to accept ourselves the way we are, with what we have been blessed with, who we become. 

But this doesn't mean that we resign to the hands we have been dealt with. It means that we need to take the gifts which we have been blessed with and put them to use the way they were meant to be.

Acceptance is a way of connecting to your true self, who you are truly are. An honest view of yourself. And if you are brave enough you will let others see who you truly are. So Let acceptance begin with you. Others will slowly follow.

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