Wednesday, July 19, 2017


One thing that I have always believed is that we all have that quite little power within us that can move and inspire and uplift those who need it the most. We all have it in us to inspire the lives of others.

You needn't be a superhero (this coming from a person who's name sounds like one) or perform any acts of great valour in order to inspire those who look up on us. We don't need to do anything great or grand or anything out of the ordinary in order to inspire. 

Inspiration can be found in the smallest of things, in actions that we dismiss as insignificant. What may be small or insignificant to us may prove inspirational to the one who needs it. Our words and deeds are what inspire others. We need not wax eloquent prose or perform great feats. Inspiration comes from the tiniest and simplest of deeds, when it comes from the heart.

Our lives may seem mundane to us, nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary. For us the lives we have lived and what we live is just a normal ordinary life, nothing novel or extraordinary about it. We haven't overcame adversity, beaten the odds and surmounted the impossible. Ours isn't the life what dreams are made of. No one would write ballads or poems about the, no one will put our lives in songs. We wouldn't even be a footnote when the book of history is written.

But then this is what we feel, what we think, because by nature we all are modest (at least most of the time) and don't sing praises about ourselves (when we try not to). But the way we see our lives may not be the same way others look upon it. 

What we may dismiss as mundane and routine may be the ray of hope that someone seek. Our simple words may just help someone find the courage to make it trough, the soothing balm that they need. Our stories and our lives may not be what legends are made up of us, but what they are is relatable, for people to associate themselves with it, thus bringing them hope and strength.

Our deeds, no matter how small or insignificant they feel to us, maybe the lifeline that someone seeks. Our positivity and our encouragement may just be what a person drowning in despair needs to save themselves, to find themselves. Our caring nature, our love, our perseverance, our dedication, is what inspires others to do the same and in turn inspire the lives of others.

Inspiration needs no grand gestures or superhuman ability. Not all of us go through odds that are never in our favour. But still, it is in the simplest of things, being who we are, being true to ourselves, doing thing we aspire to do, we find ways to inspire. 

We all inspire, one way or the other, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or intentionally. We find a way to inspire those in need. Being their lifeline, their ray of hope in the darkness of despair, their guiding light in the stormy sea. We well well and truly inspire.

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