Be calm my beating heart
Though you have known sorrow
More than you have known joy
This is not the end of the road for you
You have to still have to journey on
Though there have been moments
When you craved for eternal sleep
To just stop beating And give it all up
It isn't the end of the line for you
You still have to carry on
There have been moments of joy
Like bright sparks lighting up a dull life
That are interspersed between
Moments of despair
But still keeping you still
Have to keep moving on
You have known joys
You have known sorrows
Heartbreaks and valentines
Are friends you have know so long
You may have been broken
And have been trampled on
Been used and abused
By those who haven't
Known your worth
You've been tempted
And at time fallen weak
And given into temptation
Thinking its what you needed to do
And have got hurt in the process
You have shed tears
For the ones you've lost
Breathe a sigh of relief
For the excess dead weight
You have lost
You've known love
In every way and form
You have learnt to love
Not bothering who and what and when
Sadly at times to be deceived
You built expectations and hope
Only to have them
Come crashing down
Because you built them on sand
With their foundation not too deep
So at the first sign of a wave
They just got washed away
But you have never gave up on hope
Never gave up your trust
On what you felt
Is the goodness of humanity
Even though you have been hurt
Even though you have been burnt
You refuse to learn
Or see life any other way
No matter What
you may have to go through
You resolved to stay strong and true
Like a captain you commandeered
Rest of yourself
To stay strong and persevere on
Through whatever life has to throw
Continuing to know love
Continue to beat
Till it's the end of your time
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