Thursday, July 06, 2017

Love... it just happens

Love just happens
You never know what's going on
If it's new or been there since long
If it's right or wrong

Love has a way of sneaking up on us
Surprising us when we least expect it
We may traverse the whole world
Spend a lifetime looking for it
And when it finds us, and not we find it
It takes us by surprise 
For what we have been looking for
Was staring us in the face the whole time 

Love always has a way of surprising us
Like quick sand, it draws us in
Sinking ever more deeper into it
But never sucking the life out of us
Instead giving it purpose, giving it hope
It lifts us up to new heights
Where we truly belong
Love can never be planned
Cause love just happens

Love doesn't discriminate 
It knows not caste, creed
Gender or social status
It only knows to love
And be loved in return
It is the greatest thing we will ever do
A love that discriminates 
Is no love at all

Love will always take you by surprise 
You don't choose who you love
You just fall in love
It doesn't care of gender or orientation
It will only love unconditionally 
In its truest form, love is divine
And to call a love against nature
Is to question the divine itself
Love needs no acceptance of the world
Cause when you love, 
it's just love that matters,
The world just fades away

Love holds no expectations 
Keeps no conditions
It is unconditional 
It believes in giving space 
So that each can grow
You don't own or belong
Love doesn't cage or tie you down
Instead it sets the caged bird free
It believes in respecting 
To live and let live
Love asks no questions 
Or raise doubts and suspicion
Love has no nationality, no religion 

To love is to love without prejudices
To overlook the blemishes
The brokenness, the imperfection
To love a person whole 
Not just part of them
To love them for who they are
What that can be

Love is love is love is love
It is indeed all around
It is what we need 
It is what we crave for
It is that what makes our world 
A better place to be in
The greatest thing we will ever learn
Is just to love 
And be loved in return

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