Sunday, July 12, 2020

All Good Things Come to an End

This was not the life he planned for himself, not the one he had envisioned for himself. This was hardly something he would do. But yet here he was. Never in a million years he would have envisioned himself in the situation he found himself in. 

He would have never met someone like her. Never in his life he had met anyone like her, and he knew he would never meet anyone quite like her. She was just someone else. She wasn’t someone he thought he  would feel drawn to, but still here he was. She had turned his whole world upside down, and yet he felt drawn to her. Like a moth drawn to the flame, and he couldn’t resist. This life was not part of his plan, but still here he was, living it, and it felt surreal.

He was over qualified to be a bartender, but still he had no knowledge or experience bar tending, unless you count mixing drinks in college bar tending. Even with all this, here he was, behind the bar, learning about things he sometimes wished he didn’t know. But it gave him an opportunity to earn a living, and you couldn’t live on love and fresh air alone.

His days were filled with love. He moved in with her, giving himself the opportunity of  spending more time together. When they were not working, they were exploring the city, and when they weren’t  exploring they were making love.

Life wasn’t perfect but it was wonderful. It surprised him at every turn, showing him how he was able to adapt to a situation he was never been in before, he had no clue about, but still was living it. But somehow he felt a yearning for the life he had left behind, for the sense of order, the sense of security he was used to. And somehow he let it show (though never intentionally,  when he spoke with her), though he tried to conceal it. Then one day he got a call from his old life  with an offer he couldn’t resist. But still he had to refuse it cause he was sure she wouldn’t give in. Still they were keen to get him onboard though he clearly told them that he wasn’t interested (which was a lie).

When he shared this with her, he was surprised that she told him that he should take him, cause that was something he wanted. She insisted he should take it. He was happy to hear this, but this was short lived cause no way she was getting off the island. In which case he was no mood of accepting the offer, though he wished she would relent.

They argued on this point, but still she was not willing to relent from her position though insisting he take the offer, arguing that this life was not his life, this was the life she wanted, he was adjusting just for her. Expecting to give up on his dreams would be selfish of her.

There was no winning an argument against her. He finally, relented and have in. He accepted the offer, and started to pack his bags and return to the life he had once lived. He could see the pain in her eyes as he packed, no matter how much she tried to mask it, no matter how much she tried to avoid him. As he boarded the ferry that would take him back to the main land, back to his old life, he still hoped she would change her mind and join him. Alas, no such thing happened, not even to the very last moment.

As the ferry left the dock, he kept staring at her till she was a mere speck in the horizon. Though this wasn’t the life he planned for, this was not the way he wanted to close the chapter of his life. So he stared in the direction of the island, in her direction. A tear welled up in his eyes, glistening in the evening sun as it made it way down his cheeks. Why did all good things have to come to an end!

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