Sunday, November 19, 2023

Overthinking at the speed of light

Have you wondered if there’s anything that’s faster than the speed light? There probably might not be one! But have you ever considered the speed at which an overthinker overthinks? It may not be faster, for sure, but its speeds comparatively fast (or so I think).

It doesn’t take much to get an overthinker to overthink, just put them in a situation, or tell them something, or just give them a task, or better still, let them find themselves in one, and see how fast their mind goes racing, albeit in loops, round and round, going nowhere. 

And don’t make the mistake of tell them not to overthink, you’ll be sending them down a spiral of overthinking.

They can’t help themselves thinking and analysing every situation from every possible angle, often coming up with the worst case scenarios (the best case scenario never does exist in their mind), or not even coming to a conclusion, causing them to stress and overstress, more than the actual situation/scenario/ whatever you perceive it to be.

Everything  goes through loops and loops of analysing and overanalysing a thousand times before the mind kinds of settle (though I really don’t think an overthinker has a calm mind). And never does their analysis ever lead them to considering the best scenario, it always what could possibly go wrong, or down the least creative path. Making them the eternal pessimist, always doubting and stressing, always overthinking. Always having the cogs in their brains churning at warp speeds. 

Never quite bothering about the harm they cause themselves. Never quite realising the hurt they inflict on others. Never quite letting them live the life they deserve to live or do things freely without thinking about consequences (even there’s none). Never letting them enjoy life the way it’s meant to be. Never letting them strengthens bonds and relationships. Never quite letting them reach their true potential.

Thus it’s safe to say that even though there may not be anything faster than the speed of light, the speed at which an overthinker overthinks comes quite close. 

But do be kind to an overthinking mind and help them find a way out of that endless loop they, cause very often they struggle to help themselves.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

.. don’t cry over spilled milk!!!

Life is full of moments once gone will never return. Moments never in one’s control, no matter how hard we try.

We are human, and as humans we are bound to make mistakes, no matter how hard we try, no matter how careful we are. Mistakes are bound to happen, and once done there’s nothing we can do to undo them. 

What we can only try and do is accept it and move on, and we can try to lessen their impact. But we need to learn to move on. 

There’s no use beating ourselves about it. We will never be able to undo what’s done, just like how hard we may try, we can never make someone love us. You’ve got just let go and move on. But learn from it otherwise it would be a waste of a mistake that’s bound to happen once again.

You are going to fall, you’re going to get hurt. You are going to suffer heartaches and heartbreaks (and may even break hearts along the way), you’re going to shed a few tears (ok make it a lot of tears). You are going to question and have self-doubts, have those nerves get the better of you. You are always going to feel you’re not enough, cause there’s never enough.

You are always going to feel you’re not earning enough, always going to have those money woes, unable to save, wondering if you would ever have enough of money. 

You’ll always going to be a bit envious of those who you feel do.

Take a deep breath, it’s going to be alright, you’re going to be alright. You’re going to survive no matter what comes your way. Life maybe challenging but you’re up to the challenge. Life maybe be tough and rough, but when the going gets tough, the tough gets tougher. When the going gets rough, the tough get rough.

You’re going to fall, so just pick yourself, dust yourself off and move on. You’ll be alright, you’ll always find way to be alright.

So don’t fret, don’t overthink (like you’re ever going to stop doing it), just move on, cause in life there’s no use in crying over spilled milk!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2023

I’ll be there for you…

It’s strange how one death can move you so much, can leave you with this sadness, this ache, that you feel the need to mourn them, to remember them, even write post about them. This then being someone you have never met in person, and it still feels like your own. Someone who you’ve only seen on the television, and still feel like they were your closest FRIEND.

Their passing has left this gaping hole, as if you’ve lost on of your own, someone dear to you.

They may have been a flawed and broken soul, with their own set of problems, with their own set of addictions. But despite this all you still embraced them cause their flaws made them human, their flaws made them relatable, their struggles and weaknesses made them human, maybe not like you and me. But in their acknowledgment of their struggles, their weaknesses, their brokenness, and their seeking out help, they became a someone more human and not a mere character, not a mere celebrity, a symbol of hope for those who felt lost and lonely, in this world.

Yes they will always be remembered for the laughter they brought us, their sarcasm, their wit, their funniness, their love ability. But something we will never forget how they helped us during the days we felt low, how they made us laugh when we felt depressed and wanted to cry, when we desperately needed a lighter moment in the drudgery around us, needed a pick me up when things didn’t always seemed to go our way, a warm blanket of happiness that we could go to when we ever needed a snuggle. That’s what the show meant to us, that’s what the character meant to us. 

There will be so many such moments that we could watch over and over again, still never get enough. There will be so many still so many memorable quotes that we will treasure with us forever. And though there maybe those who may not understand our addiction and devotion towards the show and it reruns, we will never care for those.

And still this is not what they would want us to remember them by. They would be wanted to be remembered as someone although broken and weak and with their own demons, but still someone who reached  out help to get them through, to rescue them, and then passed it on by helping others in need, people just like them, going through their own struggles, helping to fight their demons and helping them get over their addiction.

In the end, they would always want to be remembered and will forever be remembered as that friend who’ll be there for you, when the rains starts to pour.