Monday, June 30, 2008

Trekking All By Yourself

Trekking all by yourself can be quite a daunting task, as well quite a risky move. But then what do you do when your friends prefer to travel by a bike, or some form of vehicle other than public transport. Since you already taken a risky step of trekking alone you can't afford to take any further risks like climbing a steep fall or trying to find short cuts. It's also pretty dangerous, what if something were to happen to you, what if you get lost, who would look out for you???? What if you hurt yourself, sprained or break a body party, who would help you back???

Nevertheless it's worth the adventure, it's better than being holed up in your room pondering on what to do, what to read. But then do you miss company. There is no one to talk to to help pass the long walks, there is no one who you can click photos with or to click your own photos. There is no one to share the wonder of seeing water flow backward. There is no one to offer you a hand when coming down or climbing slippery place. No one to turn to when a savage beast threatens. You do miss your friend. But then there are things you need to do and place you want to go to, and you may not always have company. But then you need to see them, to do it, who know what the future holds and if you'll ever be in the position to such a thing in the future.
So did in short was a gist of my Lohagad Trek :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whose side do you take???

What happens when two friends have a misunderstanding, therefore have a disagreement and don't want to talk to each other. What do you if you are the common link between the two??? Both are stubborn and stand by their point of view. Both in a way are wrong. One jumps to a conclusion based on what they see, without clarifying or trying to understand the situation, hence says things that are not necessarily right. Then the other friend is a bit aggressive and gets angry quickly without trying to properly rationalise the whole situation. A person who cares deeply but can go overboard showing it. Both think the other is wrong, weird, immature, childish, stupid.

How do you bridge this misunderstanding without taking sides of anyone??? How do you make them realise their mistakes and stop further bad things happening to their friendship, at the same time saving your friendship, your relationship (especially if one of them is a very important part of your life). What do you do without loosing your own mind or temper??? You care for both, you don't want anything bad to happen. You know bad things were said or may be said, but you know this a result of flaring tempers. Deep down none mean things they say.

How do you solve this problem while trying to be unbiased to either??? How do you solve this without putting your relationship in danger??? How do you solve this before you loose your own sanity???

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sarkar Raj: My View of the Film

There is often a huge hype riding a particular movie. A few deliver and a huge chunk disappoint. You could say Sarkar Raj is riding this hype. It not only stars the Bacchan family (well almost, discounting Jaya Bacchan from it), acting together in a movie (not caounting any sort of item number). After the dismal movie Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag, the director Ram Gopal Varma had a lot stake riding on this movie.

So does the movie deliver? In my view I would say it didn't. Hey I am no expert at critiquing an film and secondly no big fan of the Bachan clan or even Ash (I don't like her though). Plus I've not seen the earlier movie, Sarkar, to which the movie is a sequel. But then after taking this is the same dirctor who gave us the gritty movies like Satya, Company and yes the entertaining masala Rangeela, this movie doesn't seem to deliver.

The Big B takes the back seat in the movie with the spotlight is on the Baby B and his real wife. Abhishek seems to be sullen and grim throughout the movie (and doesn't shave throughout the movie), seems like he's already sulking the impending death of his wife, thought we told that he is sulking for having to kill his elder bro. Mrs. Ash is supposed to be a business woman, an NRI, but then surprisingly she doesn't feel like either. Except for the beginning where she shows some of the edginess of a business woman but after the initial scene her character is given emmotion that shouldn't have been the case. Her character should have the icy bitchiness (which would have come naturally to her), her character should have been cool and calculating, that would required of a business woman. She seems to be crying a lot. Plus the stage seems to be set a romance between the real life couple. That means killing off the poor Tanisha halfway through the film (she anyway didn't have anything to do).

On the whole the movie doesn't seem to have anything new to offer. Scheming politicians, betrayed henchman, a negative Muslim character, name them you have them in the film. Business giving a contract to kill character. Henchman feeling bad because he was left out. Nothing that you haven't seen in other film. The background is kind of jarring and the character tends to scream a lot. Still nursing that headache from the movie. Even the mad camera angles seems to make you feel kind off giddy. And glaring fact when Tanisha is bumped off the car is a total mangled wreck but the house is unharmed and Abhishek just some minor bruises.

It is left to the Big B to save the day in the climax, which he does with a coldness that I would expect of the character. The end when he ties up all the knot is quite interesting. But even the plot doesn't seem quite plausible because the character in question is never shown with the other negative character.

So on the whole the movie disappointing. The only positive point I can take from this viewing experience was that the theater was really good. And the other thing was watching the movie with someone special that made watching the movie worth it.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


It feels like hell when you know you have done something that has hurt someone, real badly. This guilty feeling becomes your unwanted companion. You know you cheated and and you wronged and there is no way of undoing the wrong that you have done. This clearly exposes your weak side, a dark side, that should be under lock and key. You know you have done something that hurt the one you loved and there is nothing you can do repair the damage. And what hurts even more that you really care and yet you end up doing such a stupid thing. It makes you want that your life just ends here, because you don't know what to do. Though you talk to friends who try to tell you that you are thinking too much, it still feels like hell, feels horrible.

How wished things would have been different. How wished what happened were never to happen :(

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Honey and ME

The other day was reading an article in the Men's Health magazine which talked about the having dogs as pets and how they help us human in more than way and how they love unconditionally. Reading this article took me back when Honey formed a major part of my life.

They say dog love is unconditional and honey proved just that. The love that I got from her I probably would never get it from anyone else. She meant a lot to me, because she companion through the happy times and sad times. Someone who I was really overprotective about. I considered her to be my baby. Took her for her walks, to the vet for her shots, stayed awake with her the whole night when she was not well, gave her medicine and bath. But no way could my love away measure up to what I used to get from her. The excitement she showed when we got home, her scratching at the door trying to open it quickly (which I left as remembrance of her). I know that she loved my whole family, especially my mom, because she was the one who looked after her when we were out at work. When dad expired she sat with my mom next to my dad's coffin after seeing my dad's body. People used to call her mom's daughter. She was very fond of my dad too. After her initial barking she got very attached to my dad, would never leave his side. This led to people teasing my dad that Mally has a little dog. She would just go where he was. If he was standing outside house she would run out and put her paws on his big belly and make my carry her and stand with her, like a little baby. when dad returned back to Dubai, she would go around searching for him. Even when we got his body she came running into the house put her paws on the coffin had a look at his lifeless body and went and sat with my mom.

Honey had this smart trick when she wanted someone to take her down. She would go and whine in front of my grandad as if to complain that these people are not taking her down, you tell them. She was pretty smart in this way. She knew which car in the parking lot belonged to my sister or where the car is parked. She was the first to enjoy a drive in the car when my sis first go it. She also had good memory. She hated anyone who had a dog, barring my best friend's family because they had brought her up as a pup. She was very fond of them and they of her. Initially she wasn't fond of children and used to get totally jealous when my mom used to carry any kid. But then over the year she mellowed. So by the time my god child Jayden was born she totally ignored him and let him play with her. She used to let children in the society take her for walks in the garden and play with her. So much so she became more known than any of my family member.

I loved her lot probably more than I ever loved anyone in this world. I cried like a baby when she passed away peacefully in her sleep between my mom and sis. I cried bitterly when we cremated her. This made my mom remark that he didn't cry that much when his dad died that he cried for Honey. Though she is no longer with us she is always a part of mind. Someone I loved a lot.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Indiana Jone and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull marks the return of the legendary Dr. Henry Jones Jr. along bwith his fedora hat and whip, after a hiatus of nearly 19 years. The movie has the usual thrills and chases and adventures, evil bad guys (in this case, bad gal) , some mysterious artifact, something that we have come to expect from every Indy flick.

The current flick revolves around the mysterious crystal skull and the powers that it possesses. You are re-introduced to Indy's ex-flame Marion Ravenwood, from the Raiders of the Lost Ark. You are also introduced to Mutt Williams, who happens to be Marion and Indy's son. The action this time around, takes place mostly in South America where Indy along with Mutt must retrieve the crystal skull from an eerie cemetery and then along with Dr. Oxely and Marion and Mac find the City of Gods to restore the skull in it's rightful place before the Russian, led my Irina Spalko, can get their hands on it.

The movie has it set of snazzy fight sequence, especially the sequence where you have the fight for the skull taking place on multiple vehicle, which is something that is remnant of ally Indy flicks. The cemetery sequence was bit eerie and well shot, especially the guys in the cemetery who kept giving you the thrills. Not forgetting the chase sequence in the university campus. The movie was well paced and mostly entertaining. And as you may have guessed by now, involves Aliens and UFO, which is quite a departure since two of the Indy flicks were based on religious artifacts.

This is just the second Indy movie that I've watched in the theater. Previously watched the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, along with my dad and grandad. Somehow with the advent of films like The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, that movie didn't seem all that novel. Somehow left you wanting a bit more, something new. But then on the whole watching the movie was a good cinematic experience.