Saturday, December 01, 2012


What is a Home? Is it the four walls that surrounds you? Or is it the roof over your head that goves you shelter?

Home is where the Heart is. It may not be your immediate family. Home is where you feel safe and secure, where you go to when the chips are down. Home is the place that welcomes you with open arms and tells you that even if the world may dessert you I will always be with you, you will never be alone.

Home is the arms that envelopes you keeps you safe from the raging storms of life. Home is in the arms of love. Someone who loves you unconditionally and lets you be who you are. Home is where you can be your self and not bother about the world around you. Home is within yourself.

Home is where the heart is. It is the place where you lay your head down to sleep. Home is within each of us.

Know your not alone... You're gonna make this place your home.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Life of Pi: A Fan's View

Life of Pi (or LoP) is like a beautiful painting that comes alive in front of your eye, immersing you (literally) in its dazzling world. It doesn't hurt that you are watching the movie in 3D which actually makes you feel that you are part of this painting. Right from the picturesque Pondicherry to the vast expanse of the Pacific to the floating Meerkat  island and the quaint household in Canada. In one scene you feel like you looking at normal clubhouse only to realise that you are actually looking from within the pool with people floating and swimming across the screen. Another memorable scene is that of the flying fish.

The movie is a visual delight. It is poetry recited to music. It is a story of hope during the time of hopelessness. It is a story of companionship, even if it comes from the most unexpected quarter. It is story of  holding on to faith when all hope is gone.

Not for a single moment do you realise that most part of the world is created on computer, everything seem so real. You believe that this world is real. The sea turbulent from the storm, glowing from all the algae, the skies full of stars, grey and menacing from the storm., the lightening bolts flashing across the screen, the animals, the fish in the water, the humpback whale that jumps over the boat, most importantly, Richard Parker, look so real and dazzling and awe inspiring.

In the centre of it all is Pi and his forced companion Richard Parker. Throughout you feel joy, you feel despair, you feel pain from all the loss, you feel irritated, but never once do you feel bored. It is beautiful and touching scene when you see Pi take Richard Parker's head and put it on his lap and says sorry to him and consoles himself and Richard Parker.

Though the faith and God angle of the movie really doesn't get to blossom, the movie is a sheer delight to watch for its dazzling visuals. It's hats off to Suraj Sharma for doing what Tom Hanks did in Castaway, spend majority of the movie just accompanied by Richard Parker and surrounded by water. To think about it, Tom Hank is a seasoned Actor whereas for Suraj is doing just his first film, is really admirable. Tabu is absolutely beautiful and tender. Irrfan Khan is his brilliant self as the narrator. But the real hero is a computer generated Richard Parker, a Bengal Tiger who is so believably ferocious, wild, magnificent, tender, you jut fall in love with him.

All-in-all it is a visual experience that needs to be seen, that needs you to immerse all your senses to enjoy it, A two thumbs way up.

For me the proudest moment came in the closings. To see my dearest and bestest friend's name appear as the credit rolled up. It made me feel like a real proud papa with  a swelling chest full of pride. I knew that what I witnessed was cinematic magic and he was part of it. He helped to create a spell that transported me to different world. I couldn't be more happy and proud for him.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Sometimes no bullets or swords or assissination attempts will cause you pain and suffering as pronlonged illness and multiple organ failure will cause. I pray that in this pain you recall your sins, the blood on your hands, the hatred that you cultivated, cause even if a mortal court failed to touch you, you shall be judged justly in the court of the almighty.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why I have grown to Hate Diwali

I hate Diwali or atleast I have begun to hate it. It is the time of the year where men turn into insensitive animals. In the name of festivities they spread noise and pollution, instead of peace and joy. Whenever I see people lighting crackers for me it seems like they are burning money. Thr next day when you see leftover crackers it looks like burnt notes that could have helped spread joy. People turn insensitive to the elderly, the sick, the asthmatic amd the animals.

So what are we actually celebrating???

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thank You

Thank you dear Lord for having given us another day, to Live, to Learn and to Love. Thank you for every moment we lived, the Good and the Bad, the Happy and the Sad. Thank you for the Lessons we learnt. Thank you for the people we love and the ones we interacted with as well as the ones we may not love. Thank you for the faith you give us because of which we know we will never be down. Thank you for our Loved Ones who have departed from this world, for every moment we spent with them. We ask you to grant them as well as all the souls in pougetry, the joys of a life everlasting. But most importantly thank you Our Lady for being our Mother, Protetress and Guide.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Dusheera Pray

As our country celebrates the victory of Good over Evil let the Goodness of our Heart help us to overcome the Evil around us. May Good be the shining lamp that banishes the darkness of Evil that tries to envelope us.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Loving Yourself

Thank you Lord for teaching us to Love ourselves because it is only when we Love ourselves can we truely Love others. We thank you for the people who Loved us, who showed us how to Love and made us realise our importance, in their own way. It is by loving ourselves can we spread Love, we can feel good about ourselves, cause you are Love.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Indian Crab

Indian Crab is an anecdote that is told to symbolises the Indian mentality of pulling people down no matter how good they are or beneficial their intentions maybe.

This mentality so evident in our current political situation. Whatever the Government proposes the oppositon and some of the government's coalation partner disposes. The Government introduced some Economic reforms by allowing the Foreign Direct Investment in the retail sector to be more than 50%. This opens the doors to groups like Walmart and TESCO to invest in the Indian retail sector. The Oposition and Mamta Baneerjee (who now days has taken upon her to oppose everything and act like a stubborn child, maybe she likes the attention she gets when people try to pacify her) that these reforms are against the people. They say that the Government is acting as the puppet of the US with these reforms.

I wonder which people is our opposition referring to. With FDI the farmers and the service providers would get a fair price for their goods and service as they would be selling directly seller thus eliminating the need for a middle man. The common man would get better good and services at reasonable rates. More competition means the retailer will go over each other to try and give the best products at the best price. That leaves only the middleman who anyway try and cheat the farmers by giving them a less price and sell at exhobarant price to the common man. With the entry of better brands these will have to up their game.

The Opposition contend that if these retail brands enter the Indian Retail Market then retailers like the Kirana store owners would loose their business and will have to close shop and people would loose their jobs. Having been to both to Walmart (in Texas) and TESCO (in KL) they reminded me of Big Bazar and we need to remember that Big Bazar has been around for over a decade and these kirana store are still there. Many home grown retail brands like Reliance Fresh, Godrej's Nature Basket, More and D-Mart open shop and some shut shop but these kirana store still continued to prosper. So will new competitors effect them... Probably not. With regards to people loosing their jobs I feel it is the opposite. Many more jobs will be created.

We need to watch is the impacts that these reforms have on the Economy. How they will benefit us make us grow. Rather than listening to the political drama we need to see how the entry of the foreign players help our economy to grow and prosper.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The New Eve

In his sermon during a Sunday mass, the priest used the term The New Eve. He was comparing the so called temptation that a woman's dressing and behaviour to that of Eve tempting Adam to have the forbidden fruit thus leading to the Original Sin. According to this priest, a woman who dress scantily or in a modern way is a temptresses as her dressing and behaviour lead men in to sin. Thus they become the New Eve. According to him woman should dress conservatively to avoid leading others in sin.

This, according me is a very sad and irresponsible thought being made in public. There have been times where I have looked at a woman and thought that she has been asking for trouble. So i too am guilty of this thought.

We got to remember that a man can be tempted by a fully clothed woman. A beautiful woman can also lead man into sin. Her only fault being that she is born beautiful. So in this way God too has an hand in sin as he was the one who created her beautiful. I have seen a truck full of men trying to eve tease a fully dressed woman. A woman has a right to dress the way she wants to. No one has the right to touch her dignity. What would have happened if Adam and Eve would have not discovered the fig leaf. We would still be roaming in our birthday suits with everything out in the open for all to see. Who are we to judge and pass comments on someones dressing. It is not how a woman dresses and behave, it is more on how we as men keeo what is in our pants in check. Rather than blame someone else we need to control ourselves. It is easy pass judgement and make comments but not easy to mature and change with times. We need to be responsible for our actions words.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


We all crave acceptance. We go to any extent just to be accepted. We put a facade, wear a mask, in short become something that we are not. We are willing do any thing just to be accepted. We will turn our backs on people we consider inferior, even if they are our friends. Acceptance comes at a premium. We can become someone who we are not.

The important thing about acceptance is that we need to accept oursleves for who we are. Hold ourselves in a tight bear hug and never let go. Then we need to accept others no matter who they are. No matter their colour, their orientation, their gender and their background. We need to accept each other for who we truely are. In that way we will accept someone in its true meaning.

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Yesterday an article appeared in the Washington Post stating that our Prime Minister cuts a very sorry figure. Previously he has been  called an underachiever by the Times. This is not a good thing to see and read. What's bad is that the government is gone out to discredit the article saying that it is unfair and based on improper facts. This is actually quite weird. We need to remember that this article is an observation of the state of affairs of the nations. Which is unfortunately quite true. The endless numbers of scams that have been creeping out of the woodwork and the loggerjam at the parliement has all lead  to this article. The silence of the PM on the state of affairs is quite perplexing. It has lead to his downfall from a reverred academic to a mute spectator of the shenigans of the collation government cuts a very sorry figure. Whatever respect he has earned has all gone down the drain because his perplexing silence and his ineffectiveness. Instead of finding a solution to problem going after the press is only going to worsen the situation and make things worse. In short you playing into the hands of your detractors.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Are We Moving Forward

When you read about the statements that politicians from all around the world make you wonder which direction are they taking the world in. When you read about their fantastical views you wonder if they will ever embrace a changing world or will they be content being wrapped in age old views and traditions. It is a scary prospect cause to extent they encourage outdated thinking and in their own way encourage divsion. Are these the people who you think will assure you into a brighter future? If their thinking is like this then God only save us.


Birthday is always a special day. Its the day you were born, it's your day. Its a day that needs to be celebrated cause you have made it through another year and you have another filled with opportunities ahead of you. You need not celebrate it by cutting cakes and donning party hats and throwing the elaborate parties. It could be a day of simple celebrations and self pampering or quite dinner with ones you love and the ones that matter to you. Remember the key word here is SPECIAL. And you need to feel that way. No matter how much people may say, you are never to old to celebrate and feel special on your birthday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Idea Generator

They say when you need an idea you need to put your thinking cap on. For me if I need to get an idea I need to put on my running shoes. Give me an open road or a treadmill and that's all I need to work on ideas. May be its because of the length of time where I am not disturbed, allows me to collect my thoughts. Or may be  it is because I am trying to block out the time or the distance I need to run. I remember in the movie The First Wives Club, Goldie Hawn gets on the treadmill to get ideas on how to get back at her ex. My reason is definitely not so frivolous. But yes running does help me think. So if it helps me get the job done then I don't see the silliness in it. It may seem quirky but it works for me.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Illusive Abs

You see them everywhere. They are on the hoarding, in the newspaper, on television and on the big screen. You see them being flaunted about in the gym. You even see them on Facebook. But the only place that you don't see them is on you. No matter how much you try they just refuse to appear. All the crunches and hanging upside down and then the right side up but they still refuse to appear. You see them on others and you want them. You don't think it is vain in wanting to get one and you do all you can. But just like the Loch Nest Monster they are illusive. Is it something in my genes or body structure or just my metabolism??? Or is it because as my mom says I have Bhook worms, always making me hungry. But I know one thing no matter what they my Mount Everest and will surely conquer it. Obviously I am talking about my abs... thought you would get it :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Hindi Television

I just can't stand them, I just hate them. If you need to torture me you can make me watch them. They make me want to pull my hair out.

The amazing thing is Indian television has regressed over the years. From the over-the-top characters and storylines. None of the shows have anything new to offer just new levels of regressiveness. With all the time leaps each show take I am afraid for the future. At the same time I am surprised that feminist haven't protested considering the way they are portrayed.

All these shows are so moralistic that there is less humour and more moral science lessons. The caharcters are so bad that the moment they talk you feel like someone dragging their nails across the board. There is  a certain lady who many think is humourous I think she is a plain irritation. Hate the idea of regionalism, religion and casteism being the centre of every show.

Even the reality shows are less real and more manipulations of tears and stupidity. Everything is so steeped in Hindi Cinema that everything feels like a copy and unorginal. You question the judging ability of the so called judges especially if they seriously know their stuff. The choreography and singing suck but nothing more than the judge's comment that is neither critical nor constructive. These shows become more about the celebrities and the movies that they promote and less about the dancing or singing.

Hate the children that appear they so sweet that they can make you sick from their sweetness. They talk too much and behave and do stuff that too much for their ages.

They amazing thing I liked Indian television from my growing up days. They were good and not manipulative and religion didn't play main role. How I wish television rolled back.

Death and Mourning

Why do we mourn the dead? Why does the Bible says Blessed are they who mourn cause rheirs is the kingdom of God. Why are so many tears shed at funerals?

The dead have gone on to a better place. No more worries, no more pains and no more care about another day. It us who have been left behind, who have pick up the threads of life and move on.

Death is a temporary parting. It is a journey from this life into the next... A Eternal life. We all have to move on from this earthly life.

I know it is difficult not to shed tears or to miss the departed, cause there is a void that no one can fill and time may take a long time to heal it. But we need to be happy knowing that the departed is in a better place.

Rather than mourning the death of a loved one we celebrate the life that was given to us. Remember the ways they touched our lives and cherishing the memories that they gave us.