Thursday, October 06, 2022

Like a Fish Out of Water

I stood there, like a fish out of water, watching them twirl and swirl around  in a blur. Wanting to jump right in, but fearing that I would not be able to keep up and would drown in their flow, and would be literally be trampled over.

It was not that I have two left feet, not by far. But this was another beast altogether, one that would need sometime to tame, sometime to learn. But this was not the time, this was not the place, and this was not your complex where you could get way by merely mimicking what others were doing.

It was not that I thought I would pick the steps up in a jiffy (well a part of me thought I could). 

So I stood in the periphery and admired them dance rhythmically to the beat, round and round like a merry-go-round, twirling and swaying, but their energy never dipping. If they sat out a few round, they tagged another who matched up and even exceeded their vigour.

I stood there wishing I could dance like them (like I always feel no matter the form, a certain lack of confidence), dance with them, matching their steps, matching their energy, their stamina, their finesse, their enthusiasm, their rhythm, their josh, their joy, their passion. 

And when I tried , I got sidelined with a a few seconds of me trying, asked to step aside if I couldn’t keep up.

And everywhere I looked I saw people dancing with such passion and grace, something I lacked. 

So I would rather stay out of their way and watch, and try to do my own thing, and just enjoy myself.

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