Saturday, June 15, 2024

Try a little kindness

If there’s anything you can be  in the world, how about being kind? In a world that’s smarting from hate and whataboutery, how about choosing to be kind.

We all have our opinions and it’s so easy to be snarky, bitchy, curt, all in the name of being frank and in your face and saying it as you see it, being brutally honest. But how about being a little kind.

If you don’t have anything good to say, how about not saying anything at all, cause words can cut like a knife. Words can bring someone down. Words can trigger, words can push someone over the edge. 

Everyone’s going through something to another. Some able to express it others just bottling it all up. Some are able to cope with it, others struggle to make it through the day.

And when they aren’t able to hold all it in, there’s no way of telling how it will manifest itself, there’s no telling what they could do.

So be kind. There’s not telling what the person next to you is going through. There’s no telling what burden they’re caring or what they are healing from. 

You just got be KIND… it doesn’t take too much.

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