Saturday, January 06, 2007


I wonder what life would be without friends????

It would really be pretty empty and gloomy. I would have been in the depths of dispair an dsepression if wouldn't have been for friends who pulled me back up :). They my support system, the crutches that I lean on when situation cripples me. Someone who I can lean on in my darkest hour. Someone who makes me realise my folly, spank me, correct me, but have my best interest in their heart.

I know I am blessed with the best, after all I have found these gems. The funny thing is some I have recently met, maybe a month back, but it seem I have known them for ages. Lovew talking to them, though I may have never met them. Chat with them for hours on messenger. Spend time with them. share my interests, makes life worth living.

Then there are my old friends who I can't do without. I may have fought with them, screamt and abused them. But at the end of the day I care too much about them.

I really care about all my friends, they are my baccha and soo dearly love them.

Well this is for all my friends, new and old, I want you'll to be a part of my life. Be there for joys, and support in sorrows. I wnt you guys and gals to be my friends for a life time.

From the bottom f my heart I THANK YOU ALL....

Yours forever

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