Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Whose Mumbai is it???

Recently the members of the Shiv Sena once again went after the Biharis and North Indians in Mumbai. Their major grouse is that these people should go back to their own state. They are just adding to the population problem the city is facing. And because of them the crime rate in the city is going up. And yes the Mahrashtrian are not getting enough jobs for their people.

A friend of mine was trying to justify the Sainiks action as a way of protesting. The Sainiks complain that because of these people the crime rate is going up, but are they justified in damaging property that does not belong them? Isn't it a crime to cause a harm to one's life and property? The last time I remember the fundamental right for a citizen to live anywhere within the country still existed. Then who are we to deny someone this right?

My friend complained that there not many Marathis speaking people in Mumbai. But who is to be blamed for this. Do we blame the Biharis and North Indians for this? Should we blame Western Culture (the Shiv Sena favourite whipping horse) for diluting the Maratha cutlure???

I know that Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city opened to everyone from whichever state, race, nationality. And doesn't belong to one particular culture.

Mumbai, as Suketu Mehta puts it in his book Maximum City, belongs to the Vada Pav eaters :)

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