Thursday, May 29, 2008

Love and the Whole Damn Thing

Why does love have to be so contradictory in itself. It's a beautiful emotion, but you need to be so careful with it, because unknowing you can hurt the one you love. Though the saying is that the you should set your love free, if it returns then it's yours, but somehow it seems like we are never free. There is always a doubt in your head and chain on your feet. You change to a person to please the other half. You make assumption but you are not sure if they are right or wrong. You are worried that you may say or do something and you may just loose everything for some stupid reason or something you did. You compromising and avoid doing things so that it doesn't make your other half feel bad. You need to live your life in a particular way. Why does it seem so difficult to be in love??? You care for the person so much but even then you may do something that makes them feel that your insensitive and not worth it.

Why does love have to be so difficult????

1 comment:

shweta said...

love is difficult??????????nah,its the best thing that could ever happen to any1 on this earth............n ups n downs r part n parcel of life......jus keep on enjoyin evry moment,wid ur special one, instead on lukin at the harsh part,luk at the sweeter side n thn u wil get ur answer if luv is difficult.....keepsmiling,tc