Tuesday, November 20, 2018

.. Begin Again

She went straight from her father’s house to her husband’s house, never quite knowing the world in between. In him she found a life partner, someone who she would share the rest of her life with.

She was quite the seamstress, a skill which he noticed, which he encouraged, which he nourished. Together they started something small, something their own, a partnership of his business acumen and her sewing skills. Together they made a name for themselves, a partnership, an awesome twosome. 

They had two boys, who became a part of her world, occupying a major part of it. She nurtured her sons into fine young man, guiding them to become gentlemen capable of starting a family of their own. He ably supported her playing the good cop or the bad cop as the role demanded. A role model for their son, very often her knight in shining amour. This was her world, she didn’t know anything beyond this, Shaw didn’t feel the need to know anything beyond it. This was her world and she was content living it, a small world consisting of herself, her sons, her husband and their little business. 

But all this changed with that one single report. It was this report that changed the world as she knew it, bringing it crumbling down. She couldn’t imagine a world without him in it, she had built a world around him, he was her a world. But now there was possibility of him not existing in it. She felt shattered and broken, but she needed to be strong, not just for him, for her sons, but most importantly for herself.

She stood by him throughout the treatment, his pillar of strength. Their sons were her strength. She couldn’t bear to see him in pain, to wither way, but she vowed to be with him through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in good times and bad, all days of their life, and she intended to see this promise through.

When he finally succumbed to his illness, she shattered to a million pieces, all broken and bruised. But she knew she had to pick herself and piece herself together. She had to live not just for their legacy, but most importantly for herself. Their sons were old enough to look after themselves, so she had find a way to live for herself. She was unsure if she would be able to manage without him, but she knew she would learn cause she had a good teacher, she was a good student.

Days passed by and she went on with life, almost settling into a routine she had once known, when her younger son showed her a life that she had missed out on, a life she had all forgotten about, a life she hadn’t lived. People scoffed, and relative spoke behind her back, this wasn’t her age and place, it didn’t suit a person of her age. What would the world say, what would society say? But then her son stood by her.

She realised her life didn’t have to end with his passing. There was a world out there to be discovered, new experience to be had. She had to close one chapter so that she could start a new one, to begin her life all over again, to love every moment she had missed out on. And with help and support of her sons, she was going to find herself she thought she had lost. She loved him, she always had and always will, she took him wherever she would go, in a special place in her heart. But now it was time she lived for herself, to put the past behind her and begin again.

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