Sunday, June 16, 2019

Dear Dada

Dear Dada,

There’s so much I would like to say to you but I really don’t know how. Starting with how I love you, how much I miss you, not just today, but every moment of my life, things I should have said when you were here with me.

I know I didn’t quite turn out the way you wanted me to be but I know I am who I ought to be. But I know I wouldn’t be me if you didn’t cared and nurtured, clothed and educated me and gave me a roof over my head. Because of you I stand on my own two feet. I know I am not the perfect son.

I know there have been a number of time I have failed to see your reason, failed to understand your point of view, as much I am sure you did mine. But our misunderstanding could be easily cleared and relationships be mended, if we only didn’t let our egos get in the way. There was no reason to try and prove who was right and show the other they were wrong than simply seeing from each other’s point of view.

I know you slogged hard for me, worked night and day for the family, but I missed having you with me, having you near like the father’s of my friend, but that distance made me look forward to spending time with you, and now that you are not with me I miss you even more. There so much I would love to say to you, so much time I would love to spend with you. But now that time has gone and I will never get it back, all I can do is live with the memory of every little moment we spent.

I really wish you were here to see me and I hope you would be proud of me, cause you helped make me, you helped shape me and mould me. I really would like to explain what it’s like to be me, who i choose to be, for the way I am. 

Dada there’s so much I would like to say to you but I know that the only way that I know I can do that is to close my eyes and imagine you there, cause that’s the only way I know I can talk to you. In my heart is where you’ll always be, that’s where you’ll always reside, your memories imprinted in my mind like a photograph hanging on the walls of mind. But no matter what, I miss you, I love you, always and forever.

With loads of love,
Your imperfect son.

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