Friday, August 23, 2019

The Security Check Confusion

Have you ever been through a Security Check and wonder what are they really checking you for? Why do take so much time? Can’t they just let you go through and save everyone a hell lot of time?

They ask you for your ticket and your identity card. Then they look at the ticket, the ID and then you, repeating the process a couple of time, much to your irritation. You want to tell them “Ya right that’s me, do you have any doubts about that? Do you have any problem with it?”

Inspite the annoyance on your face they still continue. Slowly a doubt begins to creep in your mind. Have you carried the right ID? Have you given them your ID only? Slowly your arrogance turns to tension. Beads of sweat slowly make an appearance across your forehead, and as they say, you begin to shit bricks (damn I sure am a big nautanki). But then you calm yourself down, trying to reassure yourself that if there was a problem he would have surely let you know.

He still totally continues to ignore you and continues to stare at your ID, you wonder if he’s wondering if that’s really you in the ID? Making you wonder, Oh God! Have I put on weight (with the dread slowly creeping in your mind)? But then you think, have I lost weight (now that dread is replaced with a pleasing smile)? But then let’s face it, when have we ever looked like our photo ID.

He finally ends the cycle, and hands you your ticket and your ID. You breathe a huge sigh of relief and rush to complete your check in, hoping your not too late to catch your flight.

Well i may have exaggerated a bit for dramatic effect. It doesn’t take more than 30 seconds before your true, unless your doing some gochi, then god save you. But then on the other end of the spectrum you have the security check at the Metro
station. They check you front and back and let you pass. Must be making sure you’re male and you have the tools to prove it (if you know what I mean).

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