Thursday, October 03, 2019

We the Colours

As I stood there waiting for my train I couldn’t help but notice the uniformity of the colours you saw. Yes Navratri was upon us as with it comes the colour day. It indeed was beautiful sight see everyone, well almost everyone in different hues and shades of the colour.

We are all like colours. Each unique, each symbolic, each beautiful, each significant, each coming to together to paint a picture, the picture of life. Black, white, brown, it doesn’t matter, each colour significant, each unique. No colour is too bright or dull, each beautiful. Some in the foreground, some in the background, making the foreground colour stand out. Each coming together, to be woven into the tapestry called life. The colour which we bring makes this tapestry unique and beautiful, a masterpiece.

We are filled with colours, busting through our pores, waiting to shine through for all to see. We can either choose to let our colours shine brightly, and with it standout, stand unique. Or we can choose to let our colour help someone else to standout, to shine bright, to be beautiful, as we stand in the background supporting them, finding happiness and solace seeing them shine bright. And then there are those who radiate and reflect your brightness, and shine brightly with you.

So let your true colour shine through. Don’t stop yourself from shining bright, don’t stop others from letting their own colours through. Cause there’s no good from outshining the other, instead we can shine brightly together to paint a bright and vibrant picture.

Let your colour be the reason for a smile, may it never bring a tear in another’s eyes. Be a rainbow, bright and beautiful, filled with colours of different hues. Be rainbow that brightens up someone’s dark sky. Let your true colours shine through.

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