Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Heroes... in the time of Quarentine

We came, we applauded, we blew conches, rang bells, beat plates, howling on top of our voices, and some fools even taking to the streets (which was opposite and detrimental of the entire endeavour). We cheered and showed our appreciation, saluting their dedication, their effort, their sacrifice. And they rightly deserve it. But after all this cheering, what next?

They have put themselves in harms way so that they care for the ones who need it. They have not bothered about their own lives but ensured that we are taken care of. They are our first line of defence, heroes without a cape, or costume, or fanfare, but they are fighting a way more grave, deadly and dangerous supervillain (if we can dare call it that). They look just like you and me but have the strength, resolve, patience, courage of thousands of us put together. They are brave, more braver than anyone you and me will ever know, or will ever know, especially when combatting against something so deadly.

They are our true Heroes, if ever we needed one, if the world has ever known one. The Earths Mighty Heroes, the rightful Avengers. But then they ask nothing, for no recognition, or accolades, and sadly may never get what they truly and rightly deserve it. All that they ask is we keep safe and stay indoor, stay quarantined, and sadly even that we find so difficult to do, difficult to follow, putting ourselves and others at risk, in harms way, something irresponsible on our path, putting in vain all their effort, adding to their work. 

They are risking it all, many without the proper protective gear, cause it’s all out of stock, because many time it has been used by the ones who don’t really need it. Sometimes working in conditions which are unsafe, which could add to the risk, could add to the numbers of affected, put them more in danger. And because of all the hoarding, they lack the basic amenities.

So in the end, they don’t need our applause, or our cheering. They appreciate it, but it isn’t something what they ask for. They ask nothing for themselves, but things that can be done that could help save lives of others, that would help combat the danger. What they truly is need is our support, and the support of those with the powers to be, so that they would do the right thing. 

So rather than applauding their bravery, which, let’s face, does them no good, let’s stay indoor, stay home, self-quarantine ourselves, till the stipulated period for the lockdown is done and we have successfully fought off the danger, we appeal to others to follow suit. And at the same time we can make the ones in power, with the means do their bit and support these heroes in their fight, give them the means they need, aid them in doing their job.

By doing these things, which may seem small, but important measure to take. And if we do this it’s the best form of appreciation we can do for them. So  stay Safe, stay Indoors, stay Healthy!


Free Spirit said...

This was a good read Rodman 👍

RajeevRocks said...

so true. Good one.All need to be more responsible in this crisis