Sunday, March 21, 2021

It’s a Sin

The Vatican said that the Catholic Church would not bless same-sex unions, in a combative statement approved by Pope Francis that threatens to widen the chasm between the church and much of the LGBTQ community.

Explaining their decision in a lengthy note on Monday, the Holy See referred to same-sex unions as a "choice," described them as sinful and said they "cannot be recognized as objectively ordered" to God's plans. "The blessing of homosexual unions cannot be considered licit," the Vatican's top doctrinal office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote in the statement. God "does not and cannot bless sin," the statement added.(source: CNN)

Does this statement come as a surprise? The answer is No! Does the statement leave you sadden and disappointed? Sadly it’s a Yes! Does this shake your Faith? That would be a NO. It would take more than a statement to shake my Faith. I follow Christ and his teaching of love and I feel that the church has somehow lost its way.

It was Christ himself who said he who hasn’t sinned should cast the first stone! So who are we to say what’s sinful and what’s not? Isn’t it the Catholic Church who tried to hide the abuse of innocent children at the hands of pedophlic priest? Isn’t robbing children of their innocence a greater sin? And wouldn’t hiding it make you an accomplice of the sin? So who is the church to say that sam-sex marriage is a sin?

In the past the stance and words of Pope Francis made me proud to be a part of a Faith that was adapting and keeping in step with time, becoming more inclusive and accepting. This statement actually pushed us back several steps, effectively nullifying the progress that had been made.

Agreed that marriage is a sacred union between two people which needs to be honoured, but you need to enter into this union for the right reasons, which sadly isn’t the case right now. Many-a-times couples enter into this union not of their own free will thus effectively diluting the sanctity of marriage. So what good comes from the church granting its blessings to such marriage?

Sadly the statement comes as a setback to those hoping to find a bit of normality in a cruel world, those who try to balance their Faith with their Orientation, who have been marginalised and ostracised for who they choose to be, who they choose to love. Often picked on and bullied, preyed on and forced into submission to hide their true self and live a life of pain and torment. For these souls this statement comes like a dagger to the heart, effectively handing their tormentors more arsenal to torment them with. Where’s the sin in this?

But through this all there’s no backing down. A setback will only affect if you fail to get up and get back on your feet and back on track. Though words may cut deeper than a knife, they can try and break the body but they will  never be able to take away the spirit. There’s no giving up the fight. Though everyone has a right to their point of view but so do others have the right to chose the way and how they want to live their life.

So there’s no backing down, there’s no losing faith. Cause irrespective what people have to say, if in your heart you know you are staying true to yourself and harming no one, then no words can bring you down. Always remember, when you point a finger unto others, three fingers are pointing back at you.

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