Saturday, September 24, 2022

Riding the BRO

Never thought I would find myself riding the BRO. That is Bharat Road Organisation for the uninitiated (damn this should be ingrained in me, a rule of thumb, to always expand an acronym! What a Duh!)

So here I was riding down the BRO, a simple rider on his simple two-wheel ride, nothing fancy, nothing that you would take with you on a bike trip.

As Bikers pass me by wearing all their biking regalia, I feel so underdressed, like a person who’s shows up to party in shorts and flip-flops, sticking out like a sore thumb. But then I am no biker so I think I can be excused.

I ride slow and cautiously, slowly and steadily building the confidence to ride this long, winding road, being careful not to skid over the pebbles brought down by the rain.

So you ride down the road as it twist and turns, making it way around the hills, having the river Ganga for company in the valley below. You occasionally stop to capture the sights, to have something physical of these memories you make, not just mere photographs on the walls of mind, cause what stands before is majestic and breathtaking and you aren’t sure if you would get a chance to see them again (though in your heart of hearts you sincerely wish you get to see it all again).

And then you see people clicking pics and taking selfie, making you want to go up to them and give them poses and click their pic, not that you are some tees mar khan who clicks world class pics, but you surely know that you could click better pics.

So you capture these moments, both on your phone, and in your mind, and make on your way. 

And though you may not be a biker but in those few moments we get the bikers high, the thrill of riding the BRO!!!

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