Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Day US made History

As we all must be pretty much aware by now, yesterday the 4th of November , 2008, Barrack Obama defeated John McCain. And in doing he became the 44th president of the United States of America and the first African American President in the history of the country. It was an historical night at around 10 pm. Eastern time, when Senator McCain conceded the presidential election, after Obama crossed the required 270 electoral votes.

Being a person viewing the election from the outside it was kind of fascinating. In way it was entertaining too, thanks to Sarah Palin and the guys at Saturday Night Live, especially Tina Fey. Actually Gov. Palin provided fodder for all comedian. The campaign got a bit irritating with Joe the plumber and all the negative campaigning going on.

but one thing I did admire was the speech made by both Senator McCain and president elect Obama. Especially admired McCain's speech because it showed humility of the person and person acknowledging the fact that he lost and now he would get behind his opponent to get the country back on track. There was something in his speech that showed that though this person lost and appeared like maverick, but in the end he one respect by speech. By congratulating his competitor/victor, and silencing the boos he showed great character. His praises of his victor seemed earnest and not empty.

I wished elections and politicians in India could be the same, could be humble, could articulate, so full of character. I wish I live to see such a day in my great nations.

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