Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Day Some Fools Held My Beloved Mumbai Under Seige

I am Mumbaikar or Bomabyite through and through. It's the city where I was born grew up, learnt so many things and lost my heart. Even though for over a year I've been living and working in Pune, my heart belongs to Mumbai. That is why the events of the past couple of hours has shaken me and sadden me.

I don't know who these so called terrorist are or what are their demands are or what are their ideals. But I do wonder what are their motives behind holding the city at ransom. I wonder do they ever pray to God and scared of the eternal damnation that I hope they face when they meet their maker. I ask them who them who gives them the right to take away something that was not theirs to take. That would make them thieves and robbers of the gravest of kind. Who gave them the right to cause this bloodbath, this death, this gloom. I wonder which God do they pray to (if they even pray) and does their God condone violence and taking of life?

It pains me when I see pictures of place that I've been to, that I've gone to throughout my life, as a child with my grandad and my family, as a student, as an adult. They are battered, shattered and bloodied, though they do not appear unrecognizable.

Even as I write this blog I know the bloodbath continues and people continue to loose their lives. Wonder why is this happening because I am helpless, useless spectator of this whole nightmare. I know I can only pray that innocents who have lost their lives are granted eternal rest and the bastards responsible for this is damned in hell, to rot there forever.

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