Monday, December 08, 2008

The Year End

... and so we edge slowly closer to the end of another year. A year that promised so much and delivered a mixture of pain and sorrow and happiness and love. We come to the end of the year in the shadow of terrorism and mourning and sorrow. Burning spirits of the season have been dampened by the violent acts of humanity. What would have been time when people made money has become the time of sorrows and mourning.

But then lets look at the season to help bring love, peace and joy to bring brightness to the darkest of places. We can use this year a promise that we would never cower to forces of people who want to see us cower and suffer. Let stand up against injustice and corruptions and terrorism and let them get the better of us. vow to make the new year a better and safer year. Vow to participate in democracy honestly and make sure the right person is in the right place and not tolerate or encourage corruption.

Let's all wish for a better 2009.

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