Friday, December 19, 2008

Do We Celebrate the Season????

It Christmas time around the corner and the year will end soon. However it doesn't feel Christmassy at all :(. Keeping in mind the recent acts on Mumbai, religious leaders of the Muslim community asked that Bakri Eid be celebrated on a low key as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives in the attacks, Following this example the Archbishop has called upon the Christian community to do the same with Christmas.

The one thing that I am trying to understand is how will this low key celebration or not celebrating any of your festival at all whether it be Christmas, Ramadan, New Year, Diwali) help. Right now the city is in the state of shock and depression and there is gloom everywhere, along with fear and tension. What we need is something to overcome this gloom and lift us up from the depression. A low key celebration just wouldn't do the truck at all. It would actually do the opposite....remind us why the gloom, fear and tension is prevalent in the air.

As for me I know that I would go ahead and celebrate the festival with all my heart. Would even go out my way to help others get into the festival mood. We have mourned for and saluted the dead now we need to care about the living and bring back the color and joys and happiness in live.

I will be celebrating the season..will you???

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