Sunday, January 04, 2009

Love: A Many Splendid Things

They say that love is a many splendid things, but then the truth be it, love is more than a many splendid things. At times it can be a many painful things. But then there is pleasure in pain and there is no gain without pain.

When you love so deeply every seconds seems like an hour when you are not with them. A dull room is seamlessly lit up when they enter it. A beautiful stretch of beach becomes even more beautiful when you walk with them hand-in-hand down it. You are more aroused by their very presence than any other human form in all its nakedness. You notice the way the smell and feel sensitive to their touch. all you want to do is to hold them tightly and never let go, and hoe so that their smell rubs on you. All you want to do is to bathe in their fragrance and in their love.

You go out of your way to make them. Sacrifices is a two way street, but you really don't mind going that extra mile down that street. They have their flaws...but then who is perfect???? There is perfection even in imperfection. Though you don't overlook their shortcoming, you help them overcome it (and hope they do it for you too).

All you want to do is to see them happy...because you find your happiness in it.

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