Monday, February 09, 2009

We all go through life's ups and downs. We all have our own way to celebrate when we are on the upper, brighter side of life. But what do we so when we need to pick our self up. What do we do when we need a little cheering up.

There are many things that we we could do. First look for that number of that one person you know who would cheer you up and lift our spirits up. We do this very often. This person could be a family a member, a chaddi buddy, a lover. We turn to them as a crutch would support a crippled man.

Many would drown themselves in various activities. When of the activities I love to indulge in is gymming. It not only lets me take my mind of the trouble but also helps me channel that feeling into building a good physique for myself. Then there are activities like sports and video games that you could involve in.

But then there is one way which I love. Actually if you think about it there are two ways that I love to do. One of them is to watch a movie where don't need to think, that's light refreshing, fun and entertaining, plus there is no sadness associated to it. For example, you have the movies Mamma Mia and Hairspray. When I want to cheer myself up and have a nice time I just watch them and I know by the end of the movies it would seem like my troubles would seem yesterday. The other way would be what I am doing write now...blogging. I am actually giving vent to my emotions, releasing and letting what if people our reading it...I just want to let it out of system.

Whatever may be your method of getting yourself wish should work for you :)

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