Saturday, March 07, 2009

How much does a Dufus Lead Matter?

Your work life can get pretty complex, monotonous and boring, and yes above all irritating, especially if you were filling my shoes. What would you have someone who is junior to you (at least designation wise) leading the project?

First thing first, as a senior on the team you are used to leading the team. These include even if you come on the project later. I really hate when the other person says he should be lead because he was put first on the project. Sometime you get this overwhelming feeling that you want to kick and abuse this person, or even bash this person up for the misconceived notion they have about themselves.

What makes matters worse the client feel like that they are doing a really great job, a perfect ten, while you are just eight. Call this envy or jealousy, or that my luck is really bad, or you could just say that they are getting away with murder. Well not exactly murder, but then client doesn't see it.

What you hate the most is the growing arrogance that this person and the they don't check it. The funny thing is this behavior of their reflects in their dealing with the client. I feel they deserved it for thinking this dude was the best thing for them. The funny thing is the chap realizes it but doesn't do anything much to correct it. Guess they don't have enough of experience to deal with client and how to lead a team. Wonder what they would do if they were leading another team? Anyway only time will tell.

Till then I need to keep holding on and staying strong. Ok I am not that tortured. But hey I got to make my dissatisfaction know to my senior, at least from Seniors. Till then I need to be good and make sure that I avoid the minor pitfalls/ blunders that I make.

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